Forget it Jake, they're Democrats.

I hope I'm wrong but I'm getting pretty impatient with the Democratic party on just about every front this being but one. Talk is cheap.

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Democrats only have 51% of the Senate, including two shitbag DINOs.

There's only so much Biden or his reports can do.

Even Trump, who tried to overthrow the government, had very little ability to control even the shittiest red states.

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Everybody wants a dictatorship where they're dictator.

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Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) Act, which was passed in 1994.

Merrick Garland is threatening to enforce existing laws, on the books for 26 years?

Oh, good golly. Slow down. Don't do anything drastic that might upset Republicans 😒

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The option to save Roe was to not sit out the 2014 midterms and make Mitchie the great obstructionist.

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Yeah! Why can't Merrick Garland enforce new laws that he makes up?

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No, the real question is why aren't existing laws being enforced? 👈

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I've been saying the same thing about calling their bluff. There isn't any other job you can get with a only high school diploma that pays that kind of money. If they want find another way to pay for their $70k trucks and homes in the suburbs then by all means let them try.

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