I was told there was a basement masturbator here!!

Come out and show yourself!

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Who made this statement? Not just the DOJ, but who wrote the report or inserted the voting machine snippet? Everyone associated with that is a possible suspect in preventing the hacking. So who has had a sudden mysterious influx of money?

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I think he understands you for the hateful, bigoted dingo fucker you are.

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sheesh.... low energy or what? Sad. https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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I remember a conversation in a law school class: You cannot file a pleading asking for something illegal or outside conventional law, unless you are in good faith seeking a decision that will lead to precedent that will change another law. And I remember being told that any half bright lawyer can think of several ways to push an argument to avoid the trap of being dismissed. Also, I used to do administrative law at a large agency...where I could find a way to justify any decision we wanted to make. Not saying that's noble, but dammit...this is first year law stuff, people. You read the statute, and find a way to bend it to your facts, or bend your facts to the statute. With the many volumes of United States Code, there is NOTHING that protects our government's most central function? Really? Really?

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The GOP isn't going to give up this advantage without a fight!

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If you ask me voting machines should be "air-gapped" from the internet at all times, especially on voting days.

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If I recall the voting data is written to removable Flash-memory cards and transported physically to the state elections office where votes are tabulated.

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I try to keep up with current affairs.

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Besides, voting fuckery can be prosecuted under a range of civil rights and conspiracy laws. 18 USC Sec. 241 and 245(b)(1)(A), for example.

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Too bad they're asking the current Congress.

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But if the Republicans can't hack voting machines how will they win elections?

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In one courtroom it might. In another it might not. Their point is that it the argument that it is not, because the machine is connected to the internet for 0.3% of a each year, which is not a particularly significant amount of time. Remember -- they have to address the rule; they can't immediately depend on the exception to the rule.

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"Affects interstate communications." The results of the election are communicated nationally, wouldn't that qualify?

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Maybe it was some 400 lb hacker who stole the notes and published them.

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The Justice Dept is about to be gutted. What's left of it will be Trump minions with no law experience.Liberty, and Justice for all, all meaning only Trump's family members and his clown show of ass kissers.

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