That... was an eerily accurate impression of one of Uncle Glenn's Ideological Immortals.

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Also acting like an unregistered Russian agent, but details schmetails.

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You forgot Hannity. And BillO.

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You know who else Greenwald is ALLEGEDLY connected to?http://www.intellectualtake...

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How can we forget Limpburger?

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And yet they're the first ones to decry 'the victim mentality'...Ironic

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I bet Alex Jones would want in on some of that circle of jerkery.

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She had fastened the shutters back so the morning sun might wake her, for the dawn brought a brief freedom from the demands of dreaming. But there was no sun outside the window of Mercy’s little room, only a wall of shifting grey fog. A fog that enveloped her, that suffocated. That whispered in her ear. How about one more dream tonight? The sun’s not quite up. You wouldn’t want to fall behind your dream schedule. People are depending on you. Don’t disappoint them. The air had grown chilly … and a good thing, else she might have slept all day. It would be just like Mercy to sleep through an entire day of whispering fog, just to spite it. Give her a little room to breath, foghole.

She heard a soft splash as a serpent boat emerged beneath the bridge’s central arch. “What hour?” Mercy called down to the man who stood by the snake’s uplifted tail, pushing her onward with his pole. “How about you dream me some dreams and then we’ll talk? I need to know how the dream ends!” came his response. He paddled away. Mercy closed the shutter and went back to bed. Perhaps the dreams would come. But probably not.

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Also, this thing some people call "reality" is _really_ against us ....

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Carlson farts: "The default seems to be A) you don't have a right to know what your government is doing"

Is that why the White House visitor logs are no longer available?

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Don’t forget trees that are just the right height.

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I bet that asshat wishes the media would STOP talking about it now, eh?

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"they more often than not end up defending [...] what it is they do, rather than trying to [...] shine a light on what it is that they're doing."Calling on the manes of Lewis Caroll, Betrand Russel and Kurt Gödel. Just what the fuck did this sentence mean?

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Jesus lord I hate this man

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"Don't worry, we'll stop it" could be interpreted as 'we caught the dude conspiring with Russians, we gotta stop that' or 'we'll take over the vote machines and flip the votes to go democrat this time' or simply 'no way enough USA-ans will vote for this goon, we'll stop it at the polls.'This exchange alone does not make it clear which direction she was going with that comment.

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If he has a goal of stopping fascism he is doing it wrong. So either he is a useful idiot, or he is a rich asshole who supports fascism.

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