Question, what was the point of Stephen Miller getting married if all he ever gets off to is fucking immigrants over?

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that one.

seems like that's missing in the christofascist special edition.

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Bill Barr is too busy formulating his version of Nazism to bother himself with mere attorney stuff.

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Tell yo massa, Trump.

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I'm not exactly sure when my family arrived here. If I had to guess it would be some time in the 1800s, but there are families in Texas and CA who have for SURE have been here a lot longer than that.

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Will it be wrong for me to say, "I can't understand why Fox news hates the people who cooked it so much," to my Fox-watching, future MIL the next time she talks about how delicious our Sunday brunch is?

Or if I volunteer to pray and thank "the people who moved their families from their homes and brought them here where they enhance our lives by making delicious and healthy food," is that okay?

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My boyfriend was once one of these. He is recovered, but he did tell me that us reconnecting was a "second salvation."

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Pence will tell LIES.

We are on our own, children.

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Where is my flame-thrower?

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I've got news for Sandpaper and Dogshit - the lack of a decent minimum wage means that "the days of slavery" are already here.

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They may immediately thereafter attempt taking a nibble out of mine. Those militant Christopaths want to infiltrate ALL government agencies and the media in order to establish their theocracy.

Has anyone noticed how increasingly NON-secular the federal government has become since Drumpfenfuhrer despoiled the Oval?

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There are still saner parts of the world who might survive the USA's decent into dictatorship.

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If it pisses her off, go ahead.

To Hell with these people

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Elon Musk needs to get that solar powered Cave Lion into production

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I'm in New Mexico, we have a lot of families that were dragged up here by the Spaniards way back.

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Thy kingdom come!

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