Wouldn't the debt be counted as an asset when Rudy declares bankruptcy?

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kudos to dominion for slapping down the Lunatic Fringe masquerading as officers of the court .. the system is an absolute joke if this crap they spew is unchallenged ..

I'm thinking the party is just beginning .. retribution is coming to those that jumped into the pit after drinking the rotten Orange Juice ..

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Despite the continued shortcomings of Plaintiff's supplemental submission, the Court commends Plaintiff for his vastly improved choice of crayon--Brick Red is much easier on the eyes than Goldenrod, and stands out much better amidst [**9] the mustard splotched about Plaintiff's briefing. But at the end of the day, even if you put a calico dress on it and call it Florence, a pig is still a pig.

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Good god, don't give them any ideas!

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Reminds me of one of the best SNL sketches ever.


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Okay. That was brilliant.

I have read occasional opinions where the judge is clearly annoyed and has chosen to use the "more in sorrow than in anger" technique. But this was something else again. If I were either of the lawyers I think I might be a tad... embarrassed.

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Trump stiffed him, he's getting sued, and he's been turned into a punch line. Looking back he may come to regret being a Trump sycophant. Well, maybe not. He's sort of stupid.

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It's not like Rudy has any $$$ they can settle for anyway. His ex-wife has cleaned him out and Trump stiffed him for his $20,000 a day. All they can bleed him for is... well, blood.

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He was stupid. Now he's slipped into dementia and willful insanity.

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I really hope they go after grandpa ranty Dobbs. That guy needs to be sent to the senile ward immediately. He's been totes batshit ever since the election and continues to spew vile bullshit every time he's on.Hell, sue 'em all and let them all die broke dicks.

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It's hard to imagine there was a time when Ghouliani was considered respectable. Now he's just a drunk Newt Gingrich, going from one scam to another while trying to sound like he actually knows what he's talking about when he appears on TV.

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whoo hoo .. bend over Rudy and take one for the team : )

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I think it's coming .. the wheels are turning .. slowly but surely ..

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Andy Borowitz for the win!https://www.newyorker.com/h...

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and looking ever more drunk and disheveled. It is a wonder the cops don't pick him up for vagrancy as he perambulates from studio to TV studio.

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How does he even have a license to practice law anywhere, anymore?

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