Hahahahaha! Tony Bourdain used to say TGI McFunsters

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Um, wasn't it George Bush with the cocaine problem, Deej?

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Point, set, and match...

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The necrotic flesh is what makes me think of the Cryptkeeper

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I think that is mostly the straw quality hair.

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Yeah but everybody hates him, now. The Trumptards think he's a sellout and the rest of us know he's a disingenuine coward.

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I have been calling these crazy (as in lunatic, certifiable, start the paperwork) kids "Dimberly", because it's got "dim" right there in front.As a couple, if these two were just a little self-aware, a morsel, even a speck, they'd be something else, totally. Wouldn't be a couple, either also too.Does Eek the Incompetent know that Lara is a hyena, that he's married to a carrion snatching scavenger?

Oh those Turmp offspring, sitting in the breakfast nook, staring into the eyes of their partners, thinking those same thoughts..."have you been flipped? Signed affidavits? Given grand jury testimony?"

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Judges would also have accepted the Cryptkeeper

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Or a restaurant where they serve salad.

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It's amazing how many dead people snub the King High Trumpanzee.

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Oedipus Junior.

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The Europeans got their royals honestly -- centuries of inbreeding and (un)natural selection of the most despicable and brain-damaged regressives inevitably grabbing the crown and thus ensuring their genes were passed on to future tyrants.And at least they had their occasional Lady Diana and King George V. (But more often total tossers like Emperor Wilhelm II and Nicholas II [talk about "terrible twos"]).The Trumps are like having an Al Capone move into a gated neighborhood. Sure, he's rich and "successful," but his kids are going to beat up your kids and take their lunch money, mutilate your cat and shoot random machine gun bursts from their rooftop at 3 a.m. And you'll just have to get fucking used to it. But at least that neighbor who always lets his grass get 1/8 inch higher than is tasteful is going to get an offer he can't refuse and straighten his shit out, and burglars will steer a wide path around the neighborhood.The Trumps offer nothing of value to this world. Unless Barron grows up and cures cancer, solves the mysteries of STRING theory and black matter, reverses global climate change and invents a skin cream that eliminates teen-age acne, the Trumps will be universally regarded as an oozing ass-pimple on humankind for all eternity.

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I can agree with that. But she got real crazy real quick.

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B.J. Shenanigan's

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Thanks for convincing me to finally just block you.

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One place they don't make that mistake? Silicone Valley...

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