and the barkeep says, "Hey, it's the two Corinthians!"

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Klonopin dissolvable tabs under the tongue...I had anxiety when I had a corporate job, these were nice to have on hand. I could totally function better when I could just tune out the bullshit. Haven't needed them in years, but considering asking for them again.

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Yeah, just remember the "K" (or sometimes it's a "C") stands for "Cardio". Well, okay -- "kardio", technically. Whatever. You know what I'm trying to say.

The "E" in EEG for "(electro)encephalo(gram)" is harder.

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It's how I did it. Somehow having an alcoholic drink at 8:30am just seems wrong, even if I have been up all night. And having one at 8:30pm should be okay, by that logic, except that I just got up, and you know what they say about people that have a drink as soon as they get up.

Fun fact: I was in the USMC Reserve, and every summer I had to go to 2 weeks of training. One year one of the guys there with us (from a different unit) kept a case of Bud under his cot, and we all work up to "pfffsst" from him opening his morning beer.

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Mr. King was a remarkable choice to represent Mr. Trump. He was convicted of second-degree murder in 1966…The Republican Party did not consent. It barred Mr. King because of his manslaughter conviction.My understanding is that the two things are not the same. Or did Don King commit both?

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Right so... someone remind me who Trump's other 3 horsemen are? Is Sarah Palin one?

I'm calling it now - King is her brother from another mother. That's some distinctive flavour of word salad.

REPUBLICANS - you can now keep Don King, but you have to give up Martin Luther King in exchange. It's only fair! No more counterfactual posturing about MLK, you shall not take his name in vain.

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That's what he was demonstrating at the Convention with Ivanka, you dirty perverts.

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Hold on. He's up to two....

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Trump demonstrates how "Stop and Frisk" will make America's inner cities "really terrific" https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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I learned Obama is an intellectual negro and Trump is a dancing and sliding and gliding [N word]. https://media3.giphy.com/me...

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Trump is basically saying the feds will look the other way when the local yokel sheriffs and police violate someone's civil rights...

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As one does...

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That should fix problems like Charlotte.

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As of a recent poll, he's up to 6%; not all the uneducated are crackers.

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