A committee?

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Then get yourself edumacated.

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And the burning. Can't forget the burning.

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And a sternly worded one, at that. The Postal Service will get it to you in 3 or 4 days.

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I'd like to see the US Marshals (preferable led by Tommy Lee Jones) kick his door down, frog-march him up to Capital Hill, handcuff him to a chair, shine a bright light in his face and demand he "TALK!" But that's just me.

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David Koch has poisoned that well.

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There were two headlines in the news today. One headline I foresaw as inevitable. The other headline was so unexpected my eyes nearly jumped out of their sockets. The first headline was a signal that impeachment is inevitable because it has come down to the rule of law, and we cannot allow such baldfaced disregard for the law to be allowed. Because it becomes a “Get Out Of Jail Free” for Trump and his friends, and only encourages them to flagrantly destroy the balance of power.

Trump so far has successfully intimidated people from coming forward to speak to Congress. Then today I saw the second headline. Rex Tillerson entered the room. Former SecState is someone from the lockstep Republican crowd who looks like he’s willing to go on record about Trump’s attempts at obstruction of justice. Rex Tillerson secretly broke rank by not making his appearance publicly known. Tillerson probably knew that if Trump got whiff of his appearance before Congress, he would raise hell. Trump would call him a traitor, sue him, try to get him thrown in jail. Intimidate him any way possible to prevent Tillerson from opening his mouth.

Now it’s too late, and Tillerson is probably divulging EVERYTHING to the House Foreign Affairs committee. With someone of that stature working for Trump willing to go on record, it will create even greater momentum for that first headline. This could the first of a growing line of people who witnessed Trump breaking the law while in his administration, and could see Tillerson as a signal that it’s OK to come out from hiding in the shadow of Trump’s illegal and meaningless demand they not speak to Congress.

Trump told Tillerson to keep the topic of election interference off the agenda when dealing with Russia. There certainly was something about Trump’s behaviour that caused Tillerson to become deeply concerned about the security of our country. Tillerson knows how incompetent Trump really is, and is not afraid to warn others that he has the intelligence of a 10 year old. If this guy is from the other team and says there is is cause for impeachment, then we should know that Trump is a truly dangerous man.

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Carson: "Trump never told me I'd actually have to know how to do my job when I took this position"Just kidding. All he really wants is a nap.

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How does a brain surgeon not have a brain?

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Found this really encouraging, though we always knew that T-Rex was hired simply because of his connection to energy oligarchs...also undercovered but upbeat development - Steny Hoyer is yielding on impeachment curve, and he - more than anyone - speaks for Ms. Nancy.

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I tend to trust Nancy because of the "process" argument, but I also understand the eagerness to impeach, because 2020 election. How long did it take to get Nixon to resign again? Impeachment process initiated in Feb 1974, Nixon resigns August 1974. I think with Trump it would take much longer.

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Tillerson is actually testifying right now? Neato.

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Well, here's one time at least:


The Washington Post negotiates contracts with Washington-Baltimore Newspaper Guild, IAM, and IBEW, among others


Jones Day represented The Washington Post in contract negotiations with various unions, including theWashington-Baltimore Newspaper Guild, IAM, IBEW, and IBT/GCIU.

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I have very nearly had it with NPR, they blow so much smoke up GOP ass anymore it's just tedious. It's probably not a coincidence that every controversial story involving the GOP is told from a "What if the GOP are being reasonable here" angle, or emphasizes the "political risk to Democrats" as if there is no potential risk to the GOP for dismantling the rule of law.

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I no longer donate to support NPR as I always have. I have lost count how many times they had a Republican propagandist bloviate the latest talking points at length while the NPR tool lobbed a few softball questions. "Oops, I didn't throw that too hard I hope. Are you okay? Still friends?" and then completely skipped any opposing view which could have easily ripped all that bullshit to shreds WITH FACTS. And I shook with fury as I listened. No. FUCK THEM

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