oh god, we get that here too, and they get such a pasting from us! some of those people are so stupid

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I liked the one where the guys job was 'surfboarding' and they're looking at million dollar houses.

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I'd been trying to compose myself-- trying to get past the 'why me?' and not direct hostile feelings your way because I'm sure you were just curious, after all. And then my mind was flooded: "what's it made of?" And, 'who picked those colors? When using pink and yellow, why add brown?' And "What IS this religion? Were its adherents murdered?"

Then just why-- what unnatural situation brought it about this "Frozen Cockroaches on Holiday" decor?

There are 3 or 4 eternal questions that plague us as humans, but I haven't time for any of them anymore.

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I'm sorry to have inflicted such exquisite agony on your aesthetic sensibilities (can you tell that I grew up on old novels?). If there is any house at McMansion Hell worse than that one, I don't wish to know.

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It's subtle but more human -- how those shiny leather chairs are turned away from each other. Wasn't that the weirdest?There can't be another such house anywhere. It will always be too enigmatic, in a bad way, to think about. UNLESS, the owners were old and they died and also left behind a Christmas decor warehouse, and that warehouse had to be vacated, so rather than stage the house, they

Have you ever heard of Mrs. Oliphant? I"m reading her SO LONG and SUCH high quality novels on project gutenberg. I've found a million authors there. Plus Anna K Green, Fergus Hume and a million others-- really good but forgotten.

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LOL, just watched that video a few days ago. It really opens a terrifying window into the mind of the real-estate developer that someone actually thought you could find buyers for that bizarre cookie-cutter Disney castle community. And its scarier still when you think of all the people who had to agree to make the financing possible and take on the contracting job.

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Neither of those properties have enough gold to tempt Trump.

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came for the snark, stayed for the learnin' - thanks :)

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USSS usually puts things back the way they found them.

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Not so much as you'd like to think we do, no.

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I don't think so. But the prohibited area should drop off on Jan 20. Or get really, really small. So the banner tows can fly around it.

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Last thing you want is rich bois flying choppers in and out of your neighborhood.

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I personally liked the story about chimpybush getting all pissed off when the USSS brought in portables instead of building permanent buildings at his fake ranch with the fake lake when he went fake fishing.

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... thank you - I didn't realize this was the case. So now I'm wondering how much the empty lot on Indian Creek Island is going to appreciate once the Kushrumps build on their $31 Million purchase. Meanwhile, I'm also thinking how completely obscene this shit actually is.

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And Donnie knows his way around already!

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