And oh lookie look, Sterling's a <a href="http:\/\/talkingpointsmemo.com\/livewire\/donald-sterling-registered-republican" target="_blank">registered Republican</a>.

How's that egg on your face taste, rw twatters?

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I've seen, like, 3 posts on this. Seriously, just now.

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Nowhere to plug in their Hoverrounds in the desert?

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Silly Woof! Have you forgotten the rule? "If a Democratically-appointed Justice rules, it is liberal activism. If a Republican-appointed Justice rules, it is Absolute Truth and must be seen as such forever and ever, amen, and also shut up, because."

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Ha! Of course, this proves nothing. Both sides do it. Whatever it is.

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So which party has done the most for minorities over the past 40 years: Republicans or Democrats?

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Now wait just a cotton pickin' minute! The real issue here is why so many people named "Donald" are dumb as rocks: Donald Sterling Donald Douglas Donald Trump Donald Rumsfeld

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Democrats are so racist they nominated and elected a black president.

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So, you mean Don Draper and Roger Sterling are romantically involved? I mean, <i>Don Sterling</i> is the new <i>Bennifer</i>, right?

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Barbie had a stern word with her about what would be required of her on her wedding night?

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