How do you make a small fortune in real estate?

You take a really large fortune, and then give it to Donald Trump.

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But going into debt you can't repay is Trumpette's <i>specialty</i>. That's why he's perfect to follow in Reagan & Dubya's bootsteps.

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Methinks you've discovered his campaign slogan. You need to trademark that puppy faster the Sarah Palin™ can tweet the letter "T". Otherwise the Trumpette will be forced to use some lame play on "You're Fired!".

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"Think BIG and Kick Ass in Business and Life"

I really should read this. I've always wanted to Kick Ass in Life. A life lived without kicking an ass, is a life not lived.

Especially in business dealings. LIke if I buy something and it doesn't work, I bring it back. A lame-o stores will give me a credit or a refund. An <i>ass kicking</i> store wouldn't do that. An <i>ass kicking</i> store would kick my ass, thereby insuring my loyalty as a customer.

And in Life, when my family says stop drinking, using drugs and spending all day on wonkette ... well, a lame-o libural would engage in some self-improvement. But an <i>ass kicker</i> would kick his family's collective ass, thereby keeping them from leaving the compound.

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Someone should Kick His Ass. If only there was someplace to learn how to "Kick Ass".

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His skin is so thin, it makes a supermodel look like a TP'er.

It's so thin, most people can see right through him. Repubicans can't 'cause they need to go to the Lenscrafters of Lenscrafters.

It's so thin, his ideas look substantial.

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And charge rent, but not let the other country live there.

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I read a sample of that on my Kindle and my Kindle threw up.

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Making Silvio Berlusconi look like Nelson Mandela.

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steak? is there anything this huckster doesn't peddle?

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Don't forget tacky.

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