In the middle of his insane babbling, this struck me:

trying to paint her as an insane young woman when in fact Monica Lewinsky was an intern

How are these two things mutually exclusive?

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I never figured out the button sequences.... too advanced for my blood.

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You're implying Holt has enough gonads to burn anybody. I was screaming at Holt to shut Trump up at least 4 times.

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Don't forget that Rosie O'Donnell! He'll get her vote really really any day now!

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... and perfectly fits into Donnie's "strategy"

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If "over-prepared" = "hid his bobby pins properly" then yeah ok.

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Holt could've pushed a lot harder, alright, but compared to Matt Lauer (a few weeks back), he performed like Edward R. Murrow.

Yeah, a very low bar, but still...

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Trump said that avoiding getting STDs when he was philandering was his own private Vietnam. This insult to all of those who served in a horrific war came from someone who never did.

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Your comments never fail to impress me.

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I remember that quote from her too but couldn't find it. No way was she a poor little preyed upon lamb.

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My grandparents had chickens and my job every morning was to open up the coop to let them out, feed them, change hay, and so on. Then in the afternoon, I had to feed them again, herd them up, and lock up the coop.

45 years later, I still hate the little fuckers, and feel zero regret about eating them.

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They're still pissed about Watergate is their problem.

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And that's the thing. If you stay, well, no sympathy for you for trying to make your marriage work. If you leave, you're a vicious bitch from hell for giving them the boot.

Heads, the man wins, tails, the woman loses.

Some people really are this fucking stupid.

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It's a mystery why conservatives struggle to win over female voters. https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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