In further news, Trump announced his employees are banned from eating at Chipotle or Taco Bell, or drinking margaritas.

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How do you run a hotel in Miami without Hispanics? The mind boggles.

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Thank you. I was surprised that he filed, but I knew there had to be a catch - it's the financials. I don't see him completing them. Pretend-running is feeding his yooooooge ego, but there is no way he's going to let us see the details of his finances.

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Wait, no, this cannot be!

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It's stuff like this that convinces me that Trump is some kind of conceptual artist, trying to push the envelope as far as it will go on being an asshole. Like Andy Kaufman and the pro wrestling thing.

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Donald Trump does not file personal bankruptcies. he takes the corporations he owns into bankruptcy. That way, he protects his own bank account from the people who loaned money to his corporations.

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If I didn't know that Trump is a super-serious candidate for President, I might begin to think that he is a publicity-hungry nutball (is what I would say, should I be allowed to comment on Wonkette.)

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This is the point at which some workers get a bag of lime and a spreader and write "En tu culo" in the greens. Con los votos.

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Reminds me of a company I used to work for, which took a customer to court for failure to adhere to the terms of a contract. The trial wound up being a massive paper chase, in that the contracted firm was owned by a series of holding companies and it took a long time to trace it back to the actual human beings responsible for breaching the contract.

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You ever seen one in China?

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and they were all more than semi beautiful wives.

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I have. It's YUUUUUUUGE.

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About as likely as the Marquis de Mittens ever following his father's lead and releasing his tax returns.

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Um. Sure. Yeah. We're going to buy that, The Donald.

(prepares megaphone for the NOT to follow)

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I've heard that he's actually Andy Kaufman.

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