I think they gave someone else from that station a pass but apparently Carrier doesn't like him because he did a lot of investigative stuff about the move. But as the commenters to the paper said, hey, they already had one reporter from that station maybe they didn't have enough ROOM for him. From what I've read, Trump did his usual sucky style speech and went around the factory meeting people wearing Trump hats who were cheering. Still can't get a real number on how many jobs actually got saved./

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One of the stories quoted a guy from Cato, who ripped the deal for being corporate welfare.

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I was very amused last night to see someone tweeting about how Trump has done more for workers/jobs as President Elect than Obama had done in 8 years.

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Jesus. I'm about to join the "praying for the meteor" crowd.

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Buying up all of the fans and top hats I can fin!

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I've been praying for one for years.

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The Sweet Meteor of Death didn't get too many votes, but it has a nice Twitter account https://twitter.com/smod201...

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The federally-funded R&D on coal-fired air conditioners should keep a lot of people busy.

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I hope he spends a fortune trying... the seawater comes right up through the limestone that passes for bedrock in Florida. (Trump Inc.: "Useless Walls 'Я Us")

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Hah, not even Congress really sets the import duty rate. That's a NAFTA arbitrators. And, in the unlikely event that Trump breaks with NAFTA, then WTO rules kick in. USAnians will pay more for AC, because you've become used to it, and think it's a necessity, while more can be sold here in Meiexico, and to our Asian-Pacific trade partners, many of whom would love to buy Mexican made AC units.

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I put everything into haberdasheries.

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Even without incentives (both from the Mexican states, and our Federal government) there are advantages for Carrier. Lower labor and shipping costs than from Asia will offset much of the threatened 35% import tax, and Mexican products are at an advantage in trade with the Central American States, South America (we're an "associate" of Mercosur, but could join that economic union easily), as well as having trade deals in place with Australia, New Zealand, and most of the Asian nations.

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That would be the one.

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"You are an awesome god, which we appreciate, don't get us wrong... But we thought we agreed to ONE virgin a day...see, we're down to the middle school aged ones now, and.... O.o. Got it..."~Minority of American Voters

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