In the words of eminent man of letters Rick Santorum, "What a snob!"

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Describes "the Donald" to a tee!

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B-b-b-but the the bigliest, yoooougest, bestest ultra maroon with the best brain, best words and best memory; in history no less!

PS: nice avatar!

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The United States has the absolute power to not let those large "package tours" of Spring Breakers enter our country. They must stop them at their southern border, not to pass through their country... blah, blah, blah.

With tens of thousands of drunken, ill-behaved gringos infesting our beaches right now (some of them, I suppose, are good people), 1200 well-behaved, disciplined Hondurans and Guatemalans, paying their own way, picking up after themselves, and not bothering people along the way, are definitely welcome to pass though here.

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Yeah, apparently that's what Trump means... having about as much familiarity with the Mexico-Guatamala border as he does with the US - Mexico one. Hint... most of both are rivers through sparsely populated regions.

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If it's good enough for Santa Claus, it's good enough for cute little critters.

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I'd have expected the priest at Bethel-by-the-Sea to quote Levitticus 19:34: "'The stranger who resides with you shall be to you as the native among you, and you shall love him as yourself".

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The day when the Bunny rose from the dead to give out colored eggs.

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It might be nice if the money did go south. Even been in rural Sinaloa or Guerrero?

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I live next to an Orthodox Cathedral... going by the hours of chanting yesterday, Easter is a bigger thing than Christmas.

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Santorum doesn't like having his nose rubbed in it.

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Of course there had to be a picture of Torn Labia and her empty yet bulbous forehead in there somewhere. I was mostly dozing off on the list of tweets when seeing her face made me blind with rage. Of all the talentless fuckwits they have at Fox, she is the worst.

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