And as Lawrence O'Donnell just pointed out, Trump's plan to triple the number of ICE officers would get them up to 15,000, or about half the size of the NYC police force. Lessee here, ~11,000,000/15,000=~733 undocumented immigrants per ICE officer. That's some serious tracking down of folks who don't want to be found. Plus also, too, paying for 10,000 new ICE officers on top of that YOOOOGE 23 billion dollar fence. But he'll get Mexico and the undocumented immigrants he's deporting to pay for it all. Clearly the man's a financial GENIUS!

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No problemo. They only have to round up 30,137/day to get all 11 million in a year. Of course, they'll have to house them somewhere to processing, since they aren't all from the same country, and they'll have to provide food, clothing, and healthcare while they're in custody, and they want to make sure they didn't accidentally scoop up an American Citizen.

We can easily accomplish that if we reinstate the top 91% tax rate to pay for it.

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For the next Republican debate, the Republican Party is going to issue an electron microscope to each voter so they can discern the differences in the candidates' positions.

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Isn't the Ben Carson's policy?

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In my experience, it's a piece of cake to get your neighbor to split the cost. That's because the two of you agree that the fence is a good idea. Key point, that.

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Tweet that to him. He might just RT it.

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Don't bring up blood, now.

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Who's gonna build their wall?

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10000 ICE at, say $100,000 per year (salary + benefits + expenses, pretty optimistic) = $1B per year. Actually pretty cheap compared to an F-35. Probably not much more effective, though.

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Eleven million? I don't think the Airbus A380 seats that many people.

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Sorting? What for, they're all brown?-The GOP.

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Every picture I see of Scott Walker reminds of someone who just got thru smoking a fatty....and he looks like he is waiting for it to come around again.....Dopey is the word I am looking for..lol No pun intended.

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Before season three started, I was crash watching season 2 at a friend's house. Her boyfriend showed up and, having missed the last couple of episodes of season 1 kept asking where Ned was. We told him he had gone to a farm upstate.

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Varys libel!

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He's more like Renly, but not as nice.

Thinks he's a right to the throne, isn't going to get it.

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