2018: Francisco Alonso, Cristina Esteban, Andrea Serge,Maria-Luisa Ballestar, Jaime Sanmartín, Constanza Calatayud, and Beatriz Alamar, for measuring the frequency, motivation, and effects of shouting and cursing while driving an automobile.
2016: Gordon Pennycook, James Allan Cheyne, Nathaniel Barr, Derek Koehler, and Jonathan Fugelsang for their scholarly study called “On the Reception and Detection of Pseudo-Profound Bullshit”.
2007: The Air Force Wright Laboratory, Dayton, Ohio, USA, for instigating research & development on a chemical weapon — the so-called “gay bomb” — that will make enemy soldiers become sexually irresistible to each other.
Fake News! Fearless leader is winning: he negotiated "no nukes" in exchange for plopping down a drumpf motel on the 38th parallel thereby increasing tourism.
It is clearly Obama's fault, he didn't know how to negotiate!
Oh no ! But I've been feeling so safe !
nor does "an iron fist in a velveeta glove" but it's probably the closest we're going to get with this crew
speaking of saying it in front of a mirror, i wish House Manager Garcia had practiced her lines a few times in advance. : (
When you are too fucking crazy for John (Pornstache) Bolton you have set a new bar for "fucking crazy"! (Looking at you Giant Orange Pervert.)
The cognitive dissonance is astonishing! I can not believe I find myself rooting for Warboner McWalrus in any way, shape, or form!
So long as he got to stay home.
Iran is enriching uranium. NK is launching missiles again. Our allies hate us and our enemies are laughing at us.
Trump’s foreign policy has just been one long amateur hour.
But at least we avoided the scourge of taco trucks on every corner.
Just ask Trump Barr.
FTFY, and that's the terrifying part.
The IgNobel Prizes. https://www.improbable.com/...
Some previous winners in the "Peace" category:
2018: Francisco Alonso, Cristina Esteban, Andrea Serge,Maria-Luisa Ballestar, Jaime Sanmartín, Constanza Calatayud, and Beatriz Alamar, for measuring the frequency, motivation, and effects of shouting and cursing while driving an automobile.
2016: Gordon Pennycook, James Allan Cheyne, Nathaniel Barr, Derek Koehler, and Jonathan Fugelsang for their scholarly study called “On the Reception and Detection of Pseudo-Profound Bullshit”.
2007: The Air Force Wright Laboratory, Dayton, Ohio, USA, for instigating research & development on a chemical weapon — the so-called “gay bomb” — that will make enemy soldiers become sexually irresistible to each other.
That’s the whole truth. But would you know that listening to MSM?
Honestly, I like the new Trump's hair piece.
Fake News! Fearless leader is winning: he negotiated "no nukes" in exchange for plopping down a drumpf motel on the 38th parallel thereby increasing tourism.
What an idiot. And he is surrounded by idiots.
But have you really met Andy Griffith?