Hahahaha No.

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A good 4 years of therapy?

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Trumpence 2016!

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For it to backfire, his supporters would have to actually notice.

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Can you give me some links? Is there any mention of identity or possible motive?

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A vulgar block of moldy cheddar with a rat stapled to its summit names a rancid pile dirty clothes as his veep....

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i love how Trump says out of respect to the victims in Nice, he would hold off announcing his VP pick and then does so with Twitter ( announcing his VP pick)

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From another forum I post at these days:

Trump/Pence. Trump. Pence. Trumpence. Almost sounds like a word.noun1. the act of speaking loudly at length, but saying little of substance2. dishonest bravadosee also: duckspeak, pander

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Why did you have to remind me that that commercial exists? I can't even tell you what it was for; my brain did a Blue-Screen-Of-Death when I saw it.

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"Feed the (wacko)birds,Trumpence a bag,Trumpence, trumpence, trumpence a bag..."

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'Don't rush a Miracle Maker kid,You get lousy miracles'

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That Saudi money the Right's getting to push that shite will make damn sure of that.

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You liberals. Always bringing race into it.

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