Stroke, lick, and spray ain't gonna do it for me. I'm more a Rum Sodomy & the Lash kind of guy.

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Fisting's legal in Iowa, but using lube as part of the process is illegal.

Iowa's not about to deny you the freedom to make your own choice, but they aren't under any obligation to make it enjoyable.

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So, you're saying he was on his way to a wildlife preserve?

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OMG! $5 dollar bills! Clearly the apocalypse is at hand.

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Please, no McCheezey jokes.

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You mean the scar from the surgery from the brain control implantation?

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Yeah, Philando Castile would definitely disagree with the idea that cops can't get a fair shake. Well, he would disagree were it not for the pesky fact that cops murdered him. Cops that are walking free right now, btw.

This shit stain can't help but further weaken our nation.

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Volksgrenadiers. "People soldiers". More (blind fanatic) ideologues than effective combat troops.

Whereas you don't want to mess with either the Gestapo nor the W-SS. Those two groups were efficient and brutal.

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Hurrah for the chief of police in my town, Houston TX. Art is the man. Heard him speak at the women's march. Proud of our blue town in the reddest state.

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I am on a Mac. What's the shortcut? I ended up going through the word processing program offline.

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Yup. They really are going to burn in hell.

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He was Austin's police chief for years. Never afraid to speak out against things.

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So, lemme get this straight. Trump wants to change the constitutional provisions protecting the accused? Good luck with that.

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Eli Bosnick has a great take on the show "Cops". It's banter during a podcast so it's nothing I can link to, but basically "It's great! My favorite show! It's middle class people beating and arresting poor people because the have a problem! Hilarious!" done with much snark.

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Busted, down on Bourbon Street, set up, like a bowlin' pin.Knocked down, it get's to wearin' thin. They just won't let you be, oh no.

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