This is out and out, sustained, seeing-red hatred. Humans are awful. Nasty, ugly, awful. And this is how it begins. Hillary sucks more than Monica. Let's kill someone because they think differently than you. Dear God.

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That's not just your brain hurting, it's your soul.

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It's not like we haven't seen this show before, say, oh, 80 years ago in a charming town in northern Bavaria...

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Also in 3rd world countries when fathers are murdered, mothers are raped in front of their daughters and little boys are conscripted into ad hoc armies... and so many, many, many more instances. I swear sometimes it is hard to breathe, thinking of all this hate.

Not ad hoc, I think that's wrong, but I'm too tired to find the right stupid Latin word I think I mean... ad lib? Mad Libs? ugh.

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So Donald Trump uses the pronoun "they," and Wonkettes gives him plausible deniability, but when Barack Obama uses a demonstrative pronoun as in, "They didn't build 'that'," the Republicans are allowed to define the pronoun "that" as they wish???

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It's a little weird that for once Trump said something absolutely true, pointing out a very real example of government fraud, waste, and crime, and the universal media response has been "haw haw, Trump sure is bad at running for President, LAWLZ!" Daring to criticize the military (however briefly), who does THAT? Certainly not the Democratic nominee...

You can (and should) hate the guy, but for one brief shining moment there, he was not only right, but also kind of speaking truth to power.

Before he backed down, obvs.

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That's the problem with nuking China. An hour later you're war hungry again.

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We're halfway reasonable like that. Republicans mostly aren't.

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Trump thinks it is perfectly acceptable to steal from anyone with money, a sovereign nation or a pensioner talked into signing up at Trump University.

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Estimated 3/4 of all 100's are in circulation outside of US. Many are counterfeit, but still the currency of international drug sales.

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'And we do the hokey-cokey and we turn around.' No. that's his policy document. Sorry. my mistake.

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Most thirteen-year-olds communicate in monosyllables. Trump tries and fails.

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"possibly sneaking it out in our carry-on luggage."

He probably has enough unused Trump Vodka bottles to do the trick.

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He always backs down. Always contradicts himself. Has no convictions.

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The shitstorm is coming Donny...

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