After the Tehran Embassy takeover the Iranians had a small army of rug weavers doing just that. Modern computerized scanners with pattern recognition software can do the same job in minutes that took them months.

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The official record is 64. I have friends whose family members in Ponce have not been heard of since the hurricane. I'm sure the deaths, direct and indirect, are in the thousands.

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There is this thing sitting in my bathroom. It is about 5" long with a bunch of fine teeth on one side about 1" long. I don't now what it is used for.

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you tell that to Houston at your own peril. they basically did move inland from Galveston about 60 years ago.

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HEY! most of TX cities are zoned. you should see the shit fits people are having in Austin about Code Next which updates both our codes and our zoning after 16 years. Houston has always posed the problem of having to grandfather in so many places that it's not even worth it. they're taking the opportunity while they have it. Houston is very much the exception and not the rule*.

*offer not available in unincorporated areas that are not part of an ETJ (though that may be changing soonish) and so-called "Liberty cities".

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it's not the disaster/emergency response part that's fucked. TX has Nim Kidd. that part is great. it's the FEMA reimbursements and the entire recovery process that is totally jacked at every level.

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Not far enough, apparently.

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I really don't want to know what it looks like to expand the Houston Ship Channel up stream.

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Yep. Just like that.

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Right - and a big part of the "doesn't care" attitude, aside from the already evident "brown people" issue, is that Puerto Ricans DON'T VOTE in Presidential elections: there are no votes at risk here, so why go out of your way to bring much needed assistance to people in dire straits?

Merely being American citizens does not, apparently, cut it.

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Look how long the shank(the part that sticks out of the horse's mouth, and has a rein attached to it.)on that bit is....The longer the shank, the more the bit digs into the roof of the horse's mouth when the rider pulls on the rein. Look at how hard this asshole yanks on the horse's mouth to get it to turn. None of these down home, cowboy hatted, spur wearing assclowns can ride worth a damn. That is a fucking patient horse he rode in on.

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They usually do that with no prompting. And don't remember it the next day. I like to make up "things you did after you took your Ambien" for my friends.

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I saw that ep, one of the ppl they were giving a car to was so happy with a free car, a lawyer was dispatched to sue the gears for fraud or whatnot, having given a detail wrong about the car. #grateful

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No good deed goes unpunished.

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