Not to mention not one, but TWO Corinthians!

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I've got a dollar says Palin will use "bigly" in her next public salad blast.

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That's the part that hurts the most. He literally had the angriest parts of the young, new voter community eating out of his hand, and he turned them against the party that is pretty much the only hope for avoiding the worst Presidency known to man. He could have said at ANY time: "Trump is literally the physical manifestation of all your worst enemies, use your power wisely. Start with keeping HIM out of power, and then we'll work on our next victory." But no. Instead he leads his mob of angry pigeons, throwing birdseed indiscriminately everywhere, and then says "But I can't control them." I feel so fucking disappointed and let down.

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The promotion expires in a week. Each week, following the news cycle, they'll pick which group to vilify and demonize more. Best to be flexible about this these things. They never known when they will have the perfect opportunity to act like blithering idiots all over again.

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The bottom line is that the only reason Donald Trump is in America in the first place was because we allowed his family to come here.

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Bernie spoke today and reiterated that he was taking it to the convention. Nader popped up like a Whack-a-mole long enough to encourage Bernie in this quest. At least Bernie said today that he does want DWS replaced and he wants the platform to include his points and he wants to end the superdelegates and he wants to open the primaries to anyone. Those 4 things.

I see him getting possibly 2 of them - DWS and platform. Or maybe platform and open primaries. I don't see superdelegates going away - as a matter of fact, I see the GOP going with superdelegates AND closed primaries, as well as limiting the number of nominees. I bet the GOP wishes that they had had that this year with Drumpf.

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First time I read that Trump had used the term "bigly" I thought I was reading the Onion. I could not believe that it was real.

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I bet they wish they had devoted themselves to ONE other person, from the beginning, and just mocked Donald like the side-show freak he was always meant to be. But then, fuck the GOP, they can live in their mess. As for Bernie, if it weren't for the pigeon thing, I'd probably still be supporting him. But the goddamn pigeon thing...

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When the pigeon landed on the podium and everyone took that as a "sign"? Naw, I have an audio file from last fall with a guy rhapsodyzing about Bernie being the "second coming" of Christ! I voted for Bernie in the primary, but you could see by March that he wasn't going to win it. I still do like the 12 points, but I can't see how Bernie will make it happen any more.

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I am so down with the immediate deportation of all radical Christianists and the American Taliban. Someone deputize me, quick! We can turn each County Fairground into an internment camp, led by Joel Osteentatious, and that asshole from the other day who thought it peachy-keen to murder gays.

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He says it all the time.

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Nah, I meant the angry followers that descend like sky-rats on anyone he throws his breadcrumbs at. And everyone around them, too. And people who get in the way of the Great Bread-Thrower. And anyone who looks too much like a statue.

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I had never heard them called "pigeons" before.

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Seagulls? Rat Kings? The Swarm? They make loud noises and attack in great numbers, but are largely just a nuisance, unless you're somehow in a vulnerable state.

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"Ask yourself, who is really the friend of women and the LB…and LGBT community: Donald Trump with actions, or Hillary Clinton with her words? I will tell you who the better friend is, and someday, I believe, that will be proven out, bigly. And by the way, the LBGT [sic] community, is just, what’s happened to them, is just, so sad, and to be thinking about where their policies are currently with this administration, it’s a disgrace to that community, I will tell you right now."

Trump eats at the same word salad buffet Palin does, it seems.

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I know, I just had the same thought--I thought Wonkette was joking--but no, he said it AGAIN! How can anyone possibly support this deranged fool?

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