Can we repeal and replace Tangerini?

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https://www.youtube.com/wat...Not mine, but let's look back, shall we, on some of the highlights of the past year.

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You can also buy from a semi- private insurance company backed by the government. It's similar to the ACA. Employers pay for thier employees, individuals receive subsidies and poor people get it for free.

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.... that would make a lovely tag line for a poster...

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That's unbelievable! Somebody without a job making 78$ an hour! Makes my Soros Buck$ look like petty cash. Is this a great country or what?

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so, by his appointment of sessions as AG, trump really does want to kill us off?

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I think McConnell and Ryan actually think the hicks and hayseeds want another tax cut for the Kochs, but if they'd bother to look at polls, The polls are meaningless when the people repeatedly elect the people who actually think that the hicks and hayseeds want another tax cut for the Kochs.

Look at Kansas. After suffering with the tax cuts for one term, they gave Brownback a second. And he doubled down.

EVERYTHING they do will eventually succeed because they keep getting re-elected. Which at some point will force people to wonder if the Democrats are that bad politically. The answer has to be yes. They cannot even win when the polls indicate that their position (at least we think it is, they are too silent) is the one they should go with.

And with Obama gone, I fear a bloodbath for the party in 2018

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Not even then. I'll be celebrating when he breathes no more

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Ironically, the ideas that Democrats have are very popular, while everyone (including Republicans) hates Republican ideas. They are damned good at propaganda and bullshit, though.

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I think that it is the other way around. The Democrats are piss poor. And with Obama gone, they are even worse.After the Gorsuch confirmation, the first thing senate Democrats said?https://www.google.com/sear...

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Which Democratic ideas are unpopular?

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No, I mean Democrats are poorer at their PR.

Minimum wage is something that is a Democratic idea, and is very popular. And despite the GOP being opposed to it, it passed in some form in four states, three of which were red, and the GOP paid no price for it.

It is like how they are paying no price for the rising debt today. Or in the 80s.

Democrats take the high road and that just does not work.

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Agreed. We need some people who are willing to bring some guns to the gunfight.* We need to learn to fight dirty, too.

*I don't mean this literally, Dok, so don't banhammer me, bro.

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How about repealing some of those tax cuts the very wealthy have been basking in over the past 30 years? In 1959 the top tax rate for personal income was 91%, now it is 39.6%; the top tax rate for corporate income was 52%, now it is 39.1%; the top tax rate for capital gains income was 25%, now it is 23.5%. (Yet the country was economically on more solid footing than it is today.) The 91% top personal income rate kicked in at $400,000.00 ($3,322,735.40 in today’s money). and yet people still started businesses and worked hard to build up those businesses and created jobs and hied ...which flies in the face of the narrative of those who don't want to increase taxes on the top income classes. Though tax rates were higher back then, tax deductions for individual taxpayers were more numerous – for instance, interest paid on credit cards and auto loans was deductible from your taxable income, so even people of modest means had some tax breaks.

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A brief reminder to us all.https://www.youtube.com/wat...

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And this animus to destroy all things Obama, I think, boils down largely to Trump being humiliated at the correspondent's dinner. And he was humiliated; by that "uppity ni**er." As he sees it.

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