Up the River to stay with Kurtz.

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"Look, I'm not about to issue a blanket condemnation of people who will probably vote for me right before Super Tuesday! I mean c'mon, c'mon-these are my core constituents! If it wasn't for the bigoted, ignorant, fearful and narrow minded I'd be freakin' NOWHERE, know what I mean? So okay, if it makes you FEEL better, I didn't understand the question, bad earpiece, yada, yada, yada. It doesn't matter! Gonna win BIG tomorrrow-freakin' YOOOOOGE! Can't stand white supremacists though-can't stand 'em. And I know white supremacists-been around them all my life. Why, my own dad...(staffer whispers urgently in Trump's ear)...was a hell of a guy! Loved ethnics-loved 'em! Like me! I love 'em! Gonna win tomorrow-it'll be yoooooge!"

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Victoria segura

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When he farted (which was often) my German grandfather would say: "Rrrumpf! Und der hosen war full!" Drrrumpf! seems very appropriate in that context...

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They've been TOLD they were bad-but if pressed, all of them will admit that they had a lot of the right ideas...

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We Norwegians were always puzzled why America kept putting this problem in the cellar (as it were). Now the rats got a big horn called Trump which they can yell through. But they have always been in that cellar. It's nothing new.


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My gal pal is completely scared about the possibility of a Trump presidency. I keep telling her it ain't going to happen.

Does Canada still take in political refugees?

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Huntsville metro area. Lots of scientists and engineers. Alabama's technology center (and Huntsville was one the NASA scientific centers, so it's real technology and real science, not recipes for moonshine and designing better stills).

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They're already recruiting...


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Good to know.

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The question is, what do you do about it? They can't be reasoned with, you can't imprison them until they break the law (and get caught and convicted) and there's nowhere to send them. On top of that, racism is built into much of our government - until a few days ago, they even controlled the Supreme Court.Really, they're not in the cellar - they're on the sofa in the living room.

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More like "Arriba la Victoria", surely?

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Oh, he will win, no doubt about it. The only questionable state is Texas.

I will go to heavy drinking and basking in the schadenfreude of watching the Republican Party wring its hands and clutch its pearls in shock, SHOCK trying to figure out how to kill the silver-bulletproof, garlic-proof, stake-through-the-heart-proof monster they have spent decades engendering.

Then when the Trumpstapo comes for me I'll resist as much as possible although it will be futile. Then again I'll be roaring drunk so maybe it won't hurt too bad.

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Why would you even want to?

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are we sure it is the 21 century? i keep hearing ideas from the 18th, and 19th., from the republicans. and they are the ones most condemned by history. can i wake up now, i don't like this dream anymore.

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