GOONS 2024

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Yes, but again we run into "ideally" not being the same as "really".

I would argue that ideally you would automatically be registered to vote at 18 and that be it, but that doesn't seem to be the case either.

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Deporting citizens is taking away rights from Americans.


So is detention short of deportation:



There have always been some errors in immigration procedures as there are in any endeavor run by humans. Trump, however, is not only not trying to fix the errors, he's actively encouraging such lawbreaking:



Including stealing land owned by US Citizens so he can build his border wall: https://www.nytimes.com/201...

Yes. Trump is taking rights away from Americans.

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He pushed it constantly for years, even going so far as to claim he had sent detectives to Hawaii to find Obama's birth certificate (this, of course, was a lie).

And of course it was racist. No white President was ever suspected or accused of having been born in another country. No white President ever went through constant accusations that he wasn't American in defiance of all evidence.

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Yes, and we also actively destroyed Sadam's weapons of mass destruction capability in 1991. The analogue wasn't difficult to follow.

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You haven't so far.

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Have you never heard the expression "one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter"? Al Qaeda also claimed to be fighting for freedom when they attacked the US.

I am still not sure what stops the IRA from having been terrorists in your view, except that you are sympathetic to their goals. (Incidentally, from their creation the IRA aimed to create a socialist Ireland.)

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Are you having some trouble in understanding that "antifa" is short for "anti-fascist"? It isn't particularly secret.

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And because he has said he is Irish.

He merely takes the position that you can't invade his country because a few people from that country went to another and committed terrorism, but you can invade a country that is NOT his country for that very reason, and then take however much of their natural resources is required to generate profits equal to the amount you spent on the invasion - but not more than that.

Because revenue-neutral invasions are the best invasions, unless you're invading his country.

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You have constantly denied things simply by saying you don't accept them. When presented with evidence against your beliefs, you have just ignored it.

If you believe you use reason you might be familiar with the is/ought problem. It is one you keep engaging in.

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Your arguments are unfocused, and more than once you have moved from engaging the subject under discussion to instead talk about how you feel about that subject. One example is how you asked for links about Trump's transgender ban, which I provided to support my claim that Trump has demonstrated prejudice against trans people and that is one of the many reasons people dislike him.Your response was not to deal with the trans ban, the policy you asked me to tell you about, but to explain your personal feelings on the subject of people being transgender. That is entirely irrelevant to the question of whether or not Trump tried to pass a discriminatory law against people who are trans.It also didn't help your assertion, made with so far zero evidence to support it, that Trump's policies allow minority groups to live as they like.

Your arguments are not reasoned. They are grab-bags of words and phrases from a cloud of right wing talking points. Often they circle back on themselves, and contradict their original claims (see your points about the IRA versus Al Qaeda).

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Gender dysphoria is not pathological. Do the NIH search yourself for more information. Can it lead to disorders? Absolutely. So can puberty. Or oral contraceptives.

Sex is not binary. Unfortunately, gender assignment has historically been arbitrary, based on the most visible set of sex characteristics. Obstetricians have made this mistake since time began, and it’s caused no end of legal and medical problems.

Do the NIH search yourself for more information. You may wish to also research mosaicism and chimerism if you want to debate the alleged binary nature of this world.

Minors can’t serve in the armed forces without parental consent, so your annoyance with them has nothing to do with the rights stripped from some of my undeserving shipmates.

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A pundit once claimed that you couldn't get on a jury if you know that Star Trek isn't a documentary.

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I used to wait and tend bar at a place where the guy who was Gilbert Shelton's 'model' for Freewheelin' Franklin hung out.

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In my case a petty tyrant who had $3,000,000 of brand new laboratory space ripped out so she could have an entire floor for an office. Another million for office furniture. She was finally promoted out to a government job by her friend, Al Gore.

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Not wannabe any more.

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