The best businessman.

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And then wondered why he's in trouble for employing her.

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I'm using Chrome and ScriptBlock addin, with a bare few of the Wonket scripts allowed to run, and I've never seen one of those, whatever that is.

(Though I also do give Wonket some pittance of Ameros monthly... but I never technically signed up for ad-free, as far as I know.)

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This. He's a giant middle finger to everything that they believe has held them back, ever.

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Thank you. That so many states have forbade collective bargaining, and that the people who benefitted from it either directly or indirectly thought that was fine, has always sickened me.

People who support Trumpty Dumpy love punishing other people SO MUCH, so enjoy righting imagined injustices, they do it even when it harms them and their families. This seems like a mental disorder to me, one which should have been naturally selected out generations ago.

The only analogy i can think of is, someone harms your wife, so you go to get revenge; the evildoer grabs said wife as human shield; and you are like, BIG MISTAKE i got you now! And shoot them both.

Someone cleverer can come up with a better analogy I am sure.

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It's something to be.

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Depends on the union. Fraternal Order of Police, for example ...

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Indeed. It takes a far kinder, more generous spirit than mine to give Trump supporters the benefit of assuming that they are "fully aware" of anything more complex than sensations such as "it's time to eat", or "I have to pee".

The Adorable Ms. MLG is absolutely correct in her conclusion though; there are plenty of folks who would be okay starving, homeless and living under a bridge, just as long as "those people" don't get a bridge to live under.

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The American Dream - trading on nostalgia and offering nothing in return.

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i don't see how one union member could vote for someone who won't negotiate with them - solidarity means you stand with your brothers and sisters right to collectively bargain, and you don't cross the picket line -

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Death by bacon is an honourable way to go.

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this is the final indignity https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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Well which party supports the right of idiots like the latest cop killer as many and whatever gun they want?Perhaps they understand either.

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Police unions aren't labor unions, they're gangs.

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If my ballot said that I'd voted for a California Republican I WOULD turn it in. Because it would have illegally changed my vote. Oh, and also because I don't even live in California. Or the US.

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Plus he will eat the baby.

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