Holy Moly.

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This is the Donald. He has a boatload of Schroedinger's Money.

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Well, e.g., see DokStrangeZoom's linkie above.

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LUG - Lesbian Until Graduation

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Simultaneously Rich and not-Rich (until his creditors, or the IRS, tries to peek inside the box.)

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Dude! WFT?!

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I thought this was his cake... <a href="http://upload.wikimedia.org..." target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/d...">http://upload.wikimedia.org...

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A Man 'o War, he's not.

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...and the horse you rode in on, comes to mind. Also, too bad her name's not Catherine...that would be great.

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For a guy with a boatload of money, you'd think he could afford a better cake artist. That looks like the work of a 12-year-old in a remedial art class.

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And would have reminded her of the unstiff Mitt the rest of us have never seen.

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The stumps are a reminder of the promises Mitt gave to the lumber industry. Call it his stump stump speech.

Trump will use the same cake for Mitt's birthday, except rotated 180 degrees ... so we can see his (Mitt's) true persona.

No nutritious ingredients were harmed in the making of this cake.

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The trees were not the right height.

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There is something very wrong with that frosting. It's not the color of money.

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But those Austrian animals are too skittish to ride in the horse elevator.

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