Coldplay is whinier.

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It's coming...

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Me too. Those guys were Uuuuugly. And their "music" sux'd.

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... and one week after you posted your non-comment, Scott Walker announced that he wants to build a wall on the Canadian border, trumping Trumpty Dumpty on that score at least. Teh stoopid, it grows like a malignant cancer in the GOtP.

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... and if anyone thinks FuckFace Von ClownStick's ego is out of control now, can you imagine the horror that would be unleashed if he actually acquired the presidency? "Everybody loves me!"

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... who needs trains when you have a really yooge, classy jet and terrific helicopter like Teh Dumbald - everybody has those, right?

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I'm starting to feel as though I've been caught in a Monty Python skit themed on Shub-Niggurath—trying to find the humo[u]r in the horror.

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It is a good one, along with Trumpbots and Trumpeters.

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Oh, so that's the origin of "red states".

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Difficult to imagine, really Because of, you know... libruls generally posessing human decency.

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Mr. Trump would never condone violence.” - hey I thought he was gonna brawl it out with the BLM crowd - I was hoping it wasn't pay per view too -

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He's just getting this stuff translated direct from the original German, right?

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If so, it'll be yet another reason for me to not visit the Southwest.

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Wouldn't it be great if it were the 50-75 demographic! Throw those breasts up in the air behind your head!!!!

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Sigh. CA rape & murder rates are toward the low end, and below those of the South. The level of fact imperviousness in this country is really disturbing. Even more disturbing is that psychology research indicates that said impenetrability *cannot* be fixed.

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