These days, that means "exceptionally shitty"

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Paul Ryan was the first guy I heard that D.O.W. bullshit from when he was running with Mitt. It was nonsense then, still is.

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Nope They want the right people hurt come hell or high water

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I agree, it's an excellent flourish to the article.

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I see that America has come up with new punishments for the poor.

What sins did they commit?

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Anyone who says that being hungry makes you motivated to go out to get your MBA and get some sort of bullshit finance job has never been hungry.

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I have been where he is, not exactly, but similarly. My prayers to him, and hopes that he comes up with great ideas and great luck to make them happen. I won't offer suggestions, because how the f*?? would I know what he needs. I will say this, when idiots are offering suggestions, breathe deep.

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Just being sick and poor. And let’s not get into being brown it black where you usually fall under the poverty line no matter how hard you work.

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"I'll tell you what's at the bottom of it. If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you."~Lyndon B. Johnson

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They chose to be born poor.

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No matter what the reason someone is begging it’s not my business. I ate that day and I’ll eat later and my donation has a good chance that they will too.

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Oh, but mentally, the Trump Chumps are indeed the lumpenproletariat, whatever their levels of income and wealth.

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Somewhere, a woman is knitting...

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If it weren't for all those lingering socialistical liberal economic policies, they would be billionaires. (Narrator: "No they wouldn't.")

Reminds me of all those proto-incels watching post apocolyptic movies in the 1980s (and still). They seemed to figure that if civilization collapsed, they could unleash their inner barbarian, and they would be the local warlord - not one of the slaves pulling him in his non-functional Cadillac.

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Having been on the business end of homelessness from the time my ex-wife left me because I was possessed by demons came down with epilepsy, to the time I my new wife took me in (eleven years later), this isn't just a problem with conservatives ignoring the poor.

I was homeless in Chicago for part of that time. I wonder how many liberals walked by me.

My wife keeps her mouth firmly clamped shut after chastising me once for giving money to a homeless person in Little Rock. (Little Rock had passed an anti-panhandling ordinance before we went there; I was prepared to go to jail over it.).

It's damn easy for conservatives to paint homeless people as shiftless layabouts, but it's damn easy for liberals to walk right past and do nothing as well (all the while both groups thinking they are good Christians).

As an atheist, I find Christians' treatment of the poor in this country the best indictment against their religion (aside from the fact there is no worthwhile evidence for their claims).

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Well I'm ashamed to say that I'm on food stamps now. This is the first time I've ever admitted this openly because it's so humiliating. I'm raising my three year old son alone, financially and otherwise. I do have a college degree, but I don't make enough to cover child care, making it impossible to work. The price of day care and my student loan payments are more than I make after taxes. So I'm stuck in a really tough place right now. Maybe making wages ACTUALLY FUCKING REALISTICALLY LIVABLE would be a good way for me to regain my dignity!

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