If 3% of Indians love Trump, that's more than his base back here. Maybe he'd like to stay.

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Hasn't been a democracy at least since they elected Indira Gandhi.

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Doesn't make him not guilty, just not convictable.

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Donald Trump will be visiting Delhi tomorrow.

Imagine his surprise when he discovers it's not an Indian reservation in the Dakota hills.

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All credit goes to The Who.

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Can't disagree with that -- although ironically, Puredog noted that this grievous error was committed by former President Obama.

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If you haven't seen John Oliver's show from this past Sunday, it's well worth the time (as it always is) -- it focuses on Modi and how he's trying to turn his Muslim population into non-citizens in their own country. Though the best part is when he brings up how tRump and Melons might decide to visit that most romantic spot, the Taj Mahal (no, the real one). Gaspingly funny stuff.

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I actually have a button that I wear to political gatherings and the like that says, "I'm only here for the food." Great conversation piece, and truthful at least 50% of the time.

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Where Der Trumpenfuehrer is concerned, though, I'd settle for schistosomiasis.

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Kind of reminds me of that old joke (updated for the present moment): Q: What's the difference between Donald Trump and the Hindenburg? A: One's a flaming Nazi gasbag and the other's a dirigible.

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Or that place where you get corned beef sandwiches.

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The funniest thing I've read about this trip is that no one is really sure how to feed him, because India is largely vegetarian and the Orange Horror has never eaten a vegetable in his life. They'll probably either 1) sneak him stuff that was prepared by the chef on Air Force One; or 2) serve him Impossible or Beyond Beef burgers, as he won't have a clue how to tell the difference anyway.

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The military should whisk the first family and their retinue away to a place of safety, and then just forget exactly where that is. Maybe somewhere in India.

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There was a court case about it a couple of years ago.https://www.theguardian.com...It's no co-incidence that Modi skipped Agra and went straight to Delhi.

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They are poor and uneducated, unlike Desis.

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Is that Harjit Sajjan behind Trudeau in the top picture?

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