When our non-profit hospital decided to be run like a business and not a healthcare provider they said that non-profits are allowed a certain percentage profit. They also had investors that needed to be rewarded.

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I am a boomer and I did not vote for Trump. In fact, I am a progressive.GO!! AOC.

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My father hated FDR with a passion. When I explained that he received Social Security because of FDR, it made no difference to him. When I explained that Reagan's wonderful tax cuts made my taxes go up, he would not admit that his Saint Reagan and the GOP was at fault. There is a certain segment of the population that are die hard GOPers and nothing, not even the truth, will make them change their minds. Just ask those Trumpazees who are pissed off about their rise in taxes, if they will vote Democrat?

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Most administration budgets are DOA.

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"Big Bother"

I think that's going to stick:-)

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Republicans: well it's certainly understandable for him to declare emergy to fund his campaign promises.also Republicans: who cares what he promised lets slash that entitlement.

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I want to see him perpwalked out of the oval office.

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In my state, the state health insurance plan was supposed to cover everything except the Medicare A hospital benefits for retirees, at no cost. Basically giving retirees the same benefits active employees got at no charge for individual coverage. They changed it a few years ago, dropping all state coverage and farmed it out to a Medicare Advantage plan that the retiree has to pay for. As a middle finger to retirees, they have received only a one time 1.6% bonus and a 1.2% cost of living raise in 8 years.

This year, the Democratic governor proposes a 2% one time bonus, which will get whittle down, possibly to nothing again. Both parties have hopped on one time bonuses and a few extra bonus vacation days in lieu of permanent raises for active state employees too. It's hard to pay bills with vacation time, and hard to stay up with inflation when a lot of the pay increases are one time bonuses, then your pay reverts back to what it was the previous year.

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Facts are facts. The trouble is us, the boomer generation. Progressive schmogressive. Our generation voted Trump. Our grandchildren and children voted Clinton. WE voted to screw us. My question is WHY?


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Then leave the mess to the Dems to clean up. And after the Dems do their best to get everyone to tighten their belts so that the mess can be dealt with, go "See what the EEEvil Dems made you do?"

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I kept waiting for “Donald” to object to being referred to as such by most of the Republicans as well as Clinton last election. It didn’t seem like he or his voters even noticed.

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He struggles to hold it together. I suspect far too many will think he's seriously because satire is lost on the right.

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In handcuffs, preferably.

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There's also the matter that if El Presidente is 'relieved of his duties', who knows who the GOP will nominate in 2020? Could be someone harder to defeat.....

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The way I'm reading this is that 45% of boomers voted for Clinton. Since generally, many more people 65 and up vote than 18 to 29, Clinton likely got more votes from boomers. If turn out by the younger groups were the same as older groups, Clinton would have won. So I think there is plenty of blame to go around among all age groups.

Edit:according to a report from the United States Election Project, less than 45% of people 18 to 29 voted, and over 70% of people 65 and up voted in 2016.

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I rely on Medicare. I paid into it for my entire working life, both halves for the nearly 40 years of self-employment.

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