I wish my neighborhood was the same--we're an old white bunch.

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And you just know that Trump addled brain probably thinks he's trying to keep American neighborhoods "safe for like, Lisa Vanderpump or something.

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A few seem to actually look forward to it.

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It's still not really the same. Yes, some big cities - such as Seattle, where I lived for 15 years - are mostly a collection of neighborhoods, and you do know everyone in your neighborhood. I'd walk my dog and I'd know almost everyone I met. Everyone in our small 1920s apartment building knew each other.

But still, anonymity was available, just by going a few blocks further into another neighborhood. There was enough to do locally that the biggest pastime was not gossiping about people in the community or speculating about how much money so-an-so made.

That, to me, is the most damaging thing about living in a truly small community, the gossip is weaponized. It's really ghoulish.

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Don't you worry none, Suburban LifeStylers! Help is on the way!


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I live in a semi-rural area, not a suburb, but I do know that *my* property value is down because of flooding caused by climate change and rampant, unregulated building in a county with zero flood district and no interest in flood control. Maybe do something about that instead, Repugnicans!

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Dammit, now you've done it! https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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At some point,he's going to just use the n word isn't he?

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Upfist for The Pet Shop Boys reference! I was going to see them live this fall, but, alas, the show was Covidcancelled.

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This!! Whenever people say that his base is working class, I quickly point out that working class Americans, by and large, rejected his crap.

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Even if they enter their house through the back door.

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I’ll fight you for him.

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He couldn't do it because it would not have resulted in so many deaths, and he wants people to die.

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No kidding. Every time someone buys a remuddled flip house in my neighborhood the taxes go up on everyone else’s.

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I’d live in a segregated neighborhood if that extended only to keeping a-hole Cult 45ers out.

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But then, that's the whole point, isn't it? Trump's entire political schtick is built on the zero-sum thinking that if someone brown is getting ahead, it's at the expense of white people, so anything that might help "low income" people is frightening and bad.

to be fair, the zero-sum shtick is a staple in wingnut fever dreams.

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