"don't pray, vote"

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hope to FSM that the damage isn't already done.

(and I'm so afraid it has)

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noone's asking for wonkette.com's birth certificate and then blaming Hillary for starting the nonsensical non-controversy.

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I'd like to see Wonkette's birth certificate. How do I know this isn't a Muslim website? People are saying that it's full of Sharia lawyers. What do I know? Maybe it's a jihadi terrorist cell, that's what people are saying, a lot of bright people, the best people, are saying that. You tell me. I'm just asking questions here.

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Body double. Hillary had the real one killed.

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The stupidist part of the "controversy" was that even if they were right they were wrong. So long as one parent is a us citizen, any child born anywhere is *automatically* a citizen. Bullshit non starter from the beginning.

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All Obama's fault. He started it. I'm gonna finish it. I'll finish it.

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Some people say. A lot of people are saying that. I hear it all the time. Believe me, folks.

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I don't know -- OBVIOUSLY she can kick his ass with logic and facts and debate circles around him, but the media seems incapable of having a formal debate. Plus there are soooo many more traps for her. Is she "aggressive"? Is she "shrill"? Will she be sexistly interrupted (like w Lauer) while the moderators bow before alpha male Donald and let him lie? The way he's largely sailed through the primaries by browbeating his opponents to the delight of the audience and media, I am not so sure.

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I saw the footage of the back drop coming down. It was very graceful. Someone should put that to music.

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The Congressional Black Caucus is calling for Donald to apologize to Barack Obama for the birther shit and Hillary Clinton for trying to blame it on her.

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Interestingly enough, this time the media is calling it a lie.

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So Mr. Trump finally told a truth, then followed it up with another lie. Back to "pants on fire" status, I guess.

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Not exactly what Hillary would do but rather "THEN let's see what would happen to her"... nudge, nudge, wink, wink... What, precisely, does it take to constitute a threat these days - and this isn't the first time this sick provocateur has pulled this crap

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They sure as hell are not going to take it too well that he now wants to rose-tint his image with the brown folk.

That too.

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