True. Depends a lot on what drugs he was on when he made the threat. In any case, I hope the people on his shitlist have security.

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Well of course... because if Blendle hadn't deliberately sabotaged that joke, Trump would have had a very good chance, some might even say a great chance, of nailing that backing dancer.

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I think and you know you think it too, actually, that she was really very interested- you could see it. It was very unfair of Blendy Blendle, I call her "Blendy", to do that. Very unfair. But time will tell, that I will tell you.

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Hm. That NPR story is carefully framed enough to escape my notice - yes they present the facts, but it didn't read to me as a pushback against Roodles. Mostly it just gave him column inches to spout his manufactured propaganda. Can't we just leave that to the Faux howler monkeys?

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Kadesh was claimed as a victory by both sides (Ramses having, naturally, fought it single-handed). Admittedly, Ramses was one of history's greatest braggarts, but he has the enchantment of distance. Trump, alas, is here right now. Wonder what Ramses would have been like on Twitter? It is the blessing of time that everything doesn't happen at once.

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But he'd still have the tit. A flabby old white man tit, but still a tit.

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Susan Collins is a pretend waffler. Any hand across the aisle is a hoax, People really need to stop giving her the attention she strives for.

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Meanwhile, slightly OT, but here's what you get when the first act was already farce:

First Act https://www.amusingplanet.c...

Second Act


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The list includes Gary Funt, who on 21st March, 1987 waved at someone behind Trump but who did so in such a way that Trump thought he was waving at him, smiled and gave a thumbs up in acknowledgment and then realised it was a mistake.

Gary won't know what has hit him once this impeachment shit is over, you mark my words.

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In 1996, Leslie Blendle was overheard on a New York street telling a friend a joke. Donald Trump, who overheard that joke, tried to tell it later that same day to impress a backing dancer for Vanilla Ice. He messed it up.

That is why Leslie Blendle is on the list.

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It’s sad when the only bright spot (reluctant yet not so reluctant anymore ghoul that I’ve become) is Rushie might be headed for his well earned dirt nap.

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Oh I have no doubts that everything he says in his book is true. He's like Condi Rice. I admire their drive and intellect but I just wish they weren't using it for evil.

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I'm quite sure that Trump believes that he is "the greatest man since gawd"., and possibly before that.

The X'tian right probably are considering altering their bible to say:

On the day before the first day, Trump created gawd.

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Barr and John Durham have a series of political prosecutions lined up, to be rolled out over the summer, timed to coincide with events like the Democratic nominating convention, or to break Democratic momentum, or whatever the moment requires: the networks and the New York Times, of course, will be on board, as they were in 2016 with emails, Benghazi, and the Clinton Foundation.

Barr may throw Bolton in somewhere in there, or tear his throat out early, to please and placate Donald.


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"What is this stuff? It's cold and I can't smell any of the good spots."

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At least the Iraqis were afraid for their actual well-being. The Reps are afraid to lose power.

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