Clearly she is not doing a lot to dispel the myth that physically attractive people are not frelling morans.

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You forgot your hashtag #.

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So adorbs. But he looks a bit like the Gorton's of Gloucester fisherman too.

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Well, you DID say 'Jehovah' ...

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...when did the Miss America Pageant become a state actor?

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Pretty is as pretty does.

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He does!! And now I'll be singing that "trust the Gorton's fisherman" song every time I look at him!

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True, calling it a "one night stand" is very fundy.

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How did she get past the Miss America IQ portion of the pageants? Wait, what?!

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"Such effrontery! Then again, he was right in front of the building. "


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I think for this beauty queen the "magic" is in sniffing it.

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He was just practicing his beauty queen speech. Such as.

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That's not a way to break the ice; it's a way to clear the room. Or get the perpetrator thrown out.

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Needs better context if you were trying to be funny. If you weren't, I remember a whole lot of people like you when I was a young half-breed "spic".

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Then at what point did private business decide it was within their right to view and make other people's personal opinion their business? She posted this on social media so yea criticism will come but people other than her have lost jobs due to social media and people posting their opinion and she was another. At what point is this too far? So your saying you can have free speech but cannot maintain employment if someone does not agree with your opinion.

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When your job is to be the public face of the organization and you say stupid things that bring bad publicity to the organization, it becomes their business.

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