Yemen, that's bad

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If Joaquin Castro was Veep, how do we know he wouldn't send his twin brother to work in his place just to fuck with us?

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"But look at the results — Syria, Benghazi. Look at her results."

Ok serious question. The next time he shows up on Meet the Press, God can you make Chuck ask him "What country is Benghazi in?"

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I thought it was Kim Jong-un who was bestest at everything. I want to see a one-on-one contest.

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Yes, Donald destroyed Scottish wetlands with bulldozers for profit. He totally kilt them.

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The little one at the front looks Asian, she should be stoned and then deported, for taking a WASP cheerleaders job.

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Trump: " You mean, let me understand this cause, ya know maybe it's me, I'm a little fucked up maybe, but I'm funny how, I mean funny like I'm a clown, I amuse you? I make you laugh, I'm here to fuckin' amuse you? What do you mean funny, funny how? How am I funny?"

Obama: "I'm going to go with the clown option. Yeah. Not even a hard question, really."

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What women hasn't?

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I thought he'd gotten more than 40 million. I thought he'd gotten around 10,000 apartments from his dad, which is a yooge, classy way to make money. I remember he made his money in NYC in the 1980s because the city was offering massive tax breaks to developers.

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My mother once planted some Creeping Sharia. Little did she know it would spread so quickly! One evening I spotted a tendril pooking out of the fireplace into the living room. I was aghast.

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He can't even succeed at his hair.

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