And Romney got the idea from the Heritage Foundation, which wrote it as an alternative to the Clinton iniative under Hillary...Hell, call it the Heritage Assisted Health Act, or HAHA.

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If the category for the award is not written on the outside of the envelope, something like this cock-up is bound to happen.

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Saaaaay, you know what else was a "failed disaster?"

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I'm tempted to get one, but the price seems a little high. Looks like the creator has no shortage of backers, though.

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I'm sure health care never has been complicated for him before, and he lacks the ability to even pretend to think about what anybody else might be experiencing (nevermind any actual empathy; that's light years beyond him) so I'm not surprised that he's surprised.

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I was kind of responding to marxalot talking sarcastically about "REAL Americans." I actually think there are only a few million really hard-core racist/asshole/stupids who voted for Trump. There were other millions of people who see their economic position is bad, can't quite fathom why, and so voted to shake things up, or for a change, and probably really thought "he doesn't mean what he says." They also just couldn't see a woman as President.

Those are the people who will come to see, the change is for the worse, and he did mean what he says, and yes, 100%, we must get them on our side. We must welcome them. Even the guy who's retweeting "Trump Regrets" (people who regret voting for him), keeps saying "Do NOT mock them, we NEED THEM ON OUR SIDE." I totally agree with you.

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A dick joke that actually works within its context is thing of beauty.

Well done!

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Health care is easy for the Rich...

You get healthcare. Then you pay $$,$$$ money.http://vignette4.wikia.noco...

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Even worse..."the bottom 40 percent of Americans have a combined negative net worth"http://www.factcheck.org/20...

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Maybe Trump will raffle off some tickets at his rallies?

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We'll look at things. Things that go.

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I live in Maryland, and I keep getting robo calls from Lord Dampnut telling me that ACA is just terrible and he and the GOP are going to fix it. Unfortunately, about ten seconds in, I find myself screaming into the phone that he can go fuck himself, so I don't know if he offers any insight to his plan.

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He doesn't. But it's gonna be great, the best. Everyone gets a cookie when they sign up.

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Gluten free, of course.

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I'm going to need more insurance because I'm sick to death of having to explain to people my belief that everyone in this country deserves decent health care whether they can pay for it or not. It's like clean water (not that we're helping anyone with that), it's a basic human right. Fuck sending any more of my tax monies to the military - give it to something that matters - making sure people who are sick get well, and people who are well stay that way.

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I just wanted to post here, so Whiskers (<--------) could see his pal.

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