Well, I guess when you bug bomb your house for termites, you're bound to kill some cockroaches. So what if Saddam killed some innocents. He got some guilties in there too.

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Point taken. I will work harder.

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Will happen any day now. (Drumpf acting presidential, or jesus coming back, the odds on what comes first is a fat evens)

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He made one train run on time.

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In Trump's defense, Saddam Hussein ran Iraq better than anyone who's come after.

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So yesterday's headline in some newspaper said some bullshit about the walking melanoma "closing the gap" (snicker snicker) between him and Lady President to be Hillz, and then today I read this. . .

Is . . . Is our country truly this fucked up stupid? . . . Really?

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I also enjoy the back ass admission that this cheez whiz motherfucker ain't no kind of presidential now!

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P. Tiger is also an apologist for the Assad dictatorship - and thinks Orlando was a "false flag".

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And was a better leader than Drumpf will ever be.

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Ugh, how Elitist of you to expect the leader of the free world to be all edumacated and stuff. I would lecture more but there's a lady in the nrighborhood using the metric system so me and the other members of the Anti-Intellectualism Party have to burn her for being a witch.

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Pre-soak your demagogues first?

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The difference of course is that 1930s Germany ACTUALLY WAS A CRAZY SHITSTORM for most residents. Unemployment was 30%, people had to take wheelbarrows full of cash to go shopping and infrastructure was falling apart....

Trump on the other had is trying to sell that we're in a 'disaster' when every single measurable shows the overall economy improving and consumer confidence rising. The one real problem we face is limiting the power of people like.... well, like Trump!

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Under Saddam, the trains ran on time. Granted, the tracks were made of Kurdish children, but still.

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After the conventions, the polls become more real.

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He'd make them run on time.

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How many farewell tours have The Who has Cher done?

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