Nah, gold is up. I'm leaving my bullion sit. FTR, my uncle, who is, granted. a Democrat, dryland farms wheat in Eastern WA and is seriously pissed about these tariffs--and the cost won't actually hit him for five years, given that he sells his crops five years in advance. I can't even imagine what farmers who have crops sold on a year-to-year basis (soybeans, corn) are suffering at present. There will be farmers who sell out to corporations, farmers who are forced to make severe sacrifices, and farmers who just straight up declare bankruptcy.

Odd, isn't it, that somehow the Russian Federation (read: Putin toadies) are busily selling their crops--soybeans, mostly, is my understanding from my uncle--to China. essentially replacing American crops with crops that at the very least indirectly benefit Putin. And yet there will still be voters in Iowa and other farming states who receive their pithy cheques and credit Trump. Makes me a bit ill.

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I wish I were kidding but part of my earthquake/major disaster kit, designed to provide for myself and my sons, legit has pails that are to be converted into toilets--seats amd all--after being emptied of the nasty high-calorie survival bars and other stuff that is needed, or will be needed, when the Big One hits Western WA and the Lower Mainland. And yes, I have three weeks of potable water stored for each member of the household, along with prescription medications and what Mr. ArmedResistant refers to as "a first aid kit that is equipped to perform open-heart surgery".

Better to have it and not need it rather than need it and not have it, is my thinking. Mr. ArmedResistant disagrees but after 22 years is mostly concerned about the cable going out.

Note: I did not purchase my supplies from Jim Bakker nor any other "Christian" survivalist outfit.

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King Canute legendarily commanded the tide to not come in-- which it of course did anyway-- to show his flattering courtiers he had no godlike powers. But our own King Donald directs the course of Hurricanes, and history must be altered to reflect that fact, or article of faith, whichever.

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Of course, King Canute knew better.

I'm not sure Cheeto Benito does.

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Picturing the PeeResident's ego, I see a condom filled with fifty liters of- whatever. Enormous, but not robust, and probably dangerous.

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Or the GdP growth of 2% was dismal under Obama but is a booming economy under Trump.

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It's so weird that Trump's 2.9% in 2018 was so magnificent, yet America was some sort of economic wasteland under Obama and yet also achieved 2.9% GDP growth. So weird how the same number is so different.

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Because they would have to ride in separate train cars?

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Is that from Lucifer? Preacher? Something else?

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This was powerfully dramatized in the movie Downfall.

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Rally ticket low low special price $1250 this week only!

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Because it's racist to point out differences between whites and blacks. Or something. I dunno...

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Many of us know the usage; few of us hang wool cloth up to dry.

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Fake it 'til you make it.

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And very watery, I've heard

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