I wouldn't necessarily want the chicken people also being the omelette people, no offense. I mean it's possible that it could work out, but farmers are not guaranteed to be good cooks, and vice versa.

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Hey, it worked out ok during the Dark Ages, and it kept the population in check.

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Two points:

First, I agree with Hair Fuhrer that the entire world is laughing at us, (also disgusted with us), only not for the reasons he claims.

Second, Feckless leader said that Mexico is "doing nothing for us except for taking our money and sending us drugs."

PeeResident tRump, of all people, should know that that is the the drug trade works. (Allegedly)

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Ooh! They better get one of their toady minions to google translate how to spell that in Mexican! el PRONTO!

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Why the heck should restaurants have to clean their kitchens? Why should livestock facilities have to meet any health standards, who cares about salmonella anyway? Why should hospitals have to be clean, why should surgeons be forced to wash their hands before surgery? Why should the air we breath have to not cause us to get sick and die? People can buy bottled water from Coca Cola, why should water companies have to test their water? Why should investment counselors and investment bankers be held to any standard of truth? Regulations, regulation, regulation, who needs them? Let's all die in plane crashes, why should airplanes be safe?

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Wall building or Arbeit Macht Frei?

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'cause he knows he's only got until Nov.

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Clearly every possible thing must be combined into one thing otherwise it's just stoopid.

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Nope. Doesn't work. Sorry.

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"There's a difference?" -Herr Drumph

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Donny is a serial arsonist who repeatedly SETS HIMSELF on fire then boasts about extinguishing it, as he pisses in his own face.

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It's animated, but you may have to click on the picture to actually see it.

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No. She was being fostered. She had climbed up in to a crib. She found a wonderful forever home and is about 14 years old and doing just fine.

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Is that cat in kitty immigrant jail? Because she looks terrified.

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Every accusation by them is a confession.

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Trumpnik: "They've created a massive child-smuggling industry, that's exactly what it's become [...]"

What concerns me now is his constant projecting. For conservatives, every accusation is a confession.

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