Strom Thurmond?

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George Wallace?

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Don't you mean "BENGHAZI!!!!!!111/!!!!!!?"

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Pretty sure he just pulled that out of Newt Gingrich's ass.

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some smart journamalist should ask mr. drumpf where he gets the steel to build all his gaudy skyscrapers, I'm sure it's the same place he has his ties made

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I wonder if the fact that a 2016 prius weighs 1/3 as much as a 1970 lincoln continental has something to do with it, also I would imagine we use a lot of recycled steel for buildings and cars now. I actually have no idea and might be talking out of my ass, but that seems like common sense

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I would concede robotization will eventually make human labor redundant in most manufacturing activity. It is really the only possible outcome.

What lies ahead for our world when Capital no longer has use for Labor? How can an economy exist when those parties that make up "demand" are so impoverished by unemployment they cannot sustain themselves or an economic framework anchored in the inviolable certainty this demand would exist into perpetuity?

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Ok I admit, I never got the animosity I'm suppose to be feeling toward Greenwald. I adore his critical reasoned analysis and fresh perspective that looks beyond traditonal political paradigms. (Rather than the story "Everyone is Talking About" let's focus on the story everybody’s ignoring and find out why? Who's story isn't being told? Which angle isn't being explored? Can it be expanded beyond the artificially-delineated borders of "acceptable" political discourse to a broader perspective?) Even when I don't quite agree with him, his carefully-explaned (and well-supported) points means that I can at least understand where he's coming from and which allows me to rethink points of view more carefully even if I still ultimately come to the same conclusion.

Also I think his point about Brexit (specifically) and the meaning behind all of it (generally) has been a bit misunderstood (I'll be charitable and assume not disingenuously.) Because, I'm feeling lazy she does a better job at outlining it, I'll let a regular Intercept commentor explain:

-Mona- ↪ feline16June 25 2016, 9:00 p.m.I thought the article is one of Glenn’s best. As analysis it’s penetrating and insightful.He doesn’t take a position as to whether Leave was the right result. He merely demonstrates great understanding of the forces that generated it and the reasons why the unwashed masses are justly angry.Certainly he more than acknowledges the racism and xenophobia, and the distinct possibility that Brexit clears the path for vile demagogues and frightening waves of racism. The thing is, and as Glenn also knows, hatred of the Other is what almost always happens when the masses are immiserated as severely as has been going on in Europe and the U.S.Myself, I don’t think there’s a clearly right or wrong answer to the Brexit issue. Everything Glenn wrote about corrupt, arrogant elites is true. It’s also true that in the process of repudiating them a flood of vicious Other-hatred is upon us.

(And ugh, don't you hate it when you write a quick response and an essay breaks out?)

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Unless they are dedicated followers of Democracy Now (and as consummate Libertarians, why wouldn't they be?) I'd say that Glenn is too "boring" (which isn't a problem for me, since I think dry "Just-the-facts-ma'am" reporting and analysis is needed once in a while among a sea of "journalists" desperate to be "entertaining") and too obscure for the SP people to properly lampoon (they tend to go for the larger-than-life media personalities).

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Intrepid Reporter: So Trump, what Ivanna really meant to say when she wrote her book is that you "Trans-Pacific Partnershiped" her?

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You know what might actually bring back the middle class? Unions. I expect zero mentions of unions in this election, from the candidates anyway.

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I myself have a long record of skipping the Republican convention, but I will make popcorn to watch the Gary Busey speech.

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the Oscars?

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Am I the only one annoyed that he called it the NAFTA agreement? It's like ATM machine or PIN number, the word is already in the acronym.

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