And I thought I had trouble sleeping before this...

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With an extra 50 or 75 pounds on him, Eric looks more like Dad.

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He won't say that though. His base would never forgive him.

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So what do you care what an Olympic athlete says about anything? MYOFB.

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Dozens of friends and the fun never ends, that is as long as he's buying.(With apologies to Styx.)

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Good point, but this one was messed up even for him.

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That article by Richard Lawson teared me up anyway, and I’m below 30 - is that bad..?

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Oh, the contrast. Dumb lazy spoiled bigmouthed do-nothing failure, who has never accomplished anything in his life, decides to attack a US bronze medalist representing our country in the Olympics. Someone excelling and wowing and conducting himself with dignity and grace, someone who has worked hard his whole life for this moment, bringing honor to the United States.

(Edit to add: he's a magnificent GAY AMERICAN too, blowing the doors off it abroad, where it;s not necessarily a cool thing. It IS a cool thing, and as a gay American myself, I'm sort of shocked that I forgot to even mention that part. Wow, progress? Lots and lots of countries in the Olympics still hate and kill LGBT people. So, Rippon's being his proud self is even more admirable.)

While this oily little fcker got so excited about some treason and election tampering with Russia. Can't get enough of Russia harming our country. What a disgraceful pig, I hope he rots in prison.

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we will leave you with this tweet, which links to the most incredibly beautiful piece written by Richard Lawson at Vanity Fair, about what Adam Rippon represents to young gay kids everywhere

"LolCait's a dude?"

(Not sure how many Olds will get that reference.. Lawson's great.) http://gawker.com/290612/lo...

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My fourth ever Twatter block was by Pence, earlier this week. Because I asked him when he was going to stop stalking Rippon, informed him that no means no, and yeah, I also called him a terrible guest. He is! Anyhoo. Even though figure skating makes me throw up in my mouth a little bit (I'm Dutch! Skating is transportation, not fancy dancing! Ask K. Couric!), I'll stand between Pence and Rippon any day of the week.

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Edwardian Script for the win!

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That’s it. I’m suing photoshop just like they sued the tobacco companies. Using it for the purpose it was designed for, kills.

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Pensive, expensive, and offensive are just begging to be used. But today I am not witty.

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What is with the right's thing about failing?Through failing, humans learn the most. This is a thing that is true! There are tons of stories of human achievements that would not be possible if they had not failed at something else before!We make blockbuster movies out of it for cryin out loud so they got no excuse.

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One of sensei's favorite sayings is, you either win or you learn, don't talk about losing.

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Two dollars...

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