Oh, and as a kid, there was nothing I wanted more than for grandma to finally get cable TV. And now... she has it, and Fox is the only station it apparently gets.

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Larry Flynt has offered $10 million dollarx to anyone who has dirt on Trump. How wonderful would it be if a pornographer brings down this pig?

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Hey, some of those assholes actually think Courtney offed Kurt herself, for no reason other than WIMMIN, AMIRITE?

(Man in the Moon with Jim Carrey, also too)

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I think her legs are interchangeable.

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I'm not disagreeing. I just haven't seen any convincing proof either way.

The article said that one reason for the suspension was because no one with authority to make an exception was in the office. That could be an excuse, but it is a fact that businesses tend to be unresponsive outside of ordinary business hours.

Mostly I'm just surprised that Twitter would bother to deactivate an account to prevent one person from tweeting about Weinstein.

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Ugh, I can't even read all of this. Makes me feel like I'm going to throw up.

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There is a type of man who views women as being nothing more than sexual vending machines, the only difference being that the man is not required to put anything of value into the slot.

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Jr. is trying to distract as best he can. Maybe we'll forget about his horrible father if he yells about Weinstein enough.

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The greasestain drove the righteousness bus TWO BLOCKS between the dotted white lines then skidded off the road into the weeds and into the elementary school.

Wait did I say blocks? I meant yards.

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He's already surrendered moral superiority to North Korea and Iran, might as well hand it to the Taliban too while we're at it.

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Time to start rolling that doobie....

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also cool in Basquiat...

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He's such a humorless guy. You'd think, with all that money, and such an ugly brother to feel superior to, he'd have a sense of humor.

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Ok, if your last name is Trump, starting a hashtag to criticize New York elites with ties to the entertainment industry in Hollywood because of the sexual assault allegations swirling around that person is something only Don Jr. is stupid enough to do.

Seriously, you don't get to be snarky about Hollywood morality on Twitter when your dad is a former reality TV star who was literally caught on tape bragging about sexually assaulting women while riding a god damn Hollywood Access bus.

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Imagine growing up with that slimy mentally diseased sonofabitch as a father/ father figure. No way you could not be deranged yourself.

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