This MIGHT even make you feel sorry for him. LOL just kidding, fuck him.
I do feel sorry for him in a fashion. I didn't finish the article, but it sounded like he might have been at least a decent outdoorsy dude if he kept staying the fuck away from his namesake.
Except for all the animal killing and stuff
Umbilical cords are a valuable source of stem cells for the baby.
Having a narcissist for a father is a tragedy. Having a narcissist for a mother is a catastrophe.
Eric appears to be smart enough to keep his dumb mouth shut, though.
It's good to have dreams.
It's a total peenfest between those two. Allegedly.
They swore to me it was rain down my leg!
Queens is its own world. Especially that part Trump is from.
Queens, while politically part of NYC, is geographically on Long Island.
That is so absurd it is probably true.
I wonder if Dotard ever had Don Jr. wee wee on him.
According to Judge Judy, this is illegal. Do I fault you for it? Eff, NO!
You know, I have no respect for people who keep their placenta for whatever reasons. NONE.
I was assuming that it was the disease that the local lasses were left with after the pillagers sailed off into the sunrise.
I do feel sorry for him in a fashion. I didn't finish the article, but it sounded like he might have been at least a decent outdoorsy dude if he kept staying the fuck away from his namesake.
Except for all the animal killing and stuff
Umbilical cords are a valuable source of stem cells for the baby.
Having a narcissist for a father is a tragedy. Having a narcissist for a mother is a catastrophe.
Eric appears to be smart enough to keep his dumb mouth shut, though.
It's good to have dreams.
It's a total peenfest between those two. Allegedly.
They swore to me it was rain down my leg!
Queens is its own world. Especially that part Trump is from.
Queens, while politically part of NYC, is geographically on Long Island.
That is so absurd it is probably true.
I wonder if Dotard ever had Don Jr. wee wee on him.
According to Judge Judy, this is illegal. Do I fault you for it? Eff, NO!
You know, I have no respect for people who keep their placenta for whatever reasons. NONE.
I was assuming that it was the disease that the local lasses were left with after the pillagers sailed off into the sunrise.