We don't have a parliamentary system.

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Paul Ryan's "Repeal the ACA and Ravish Medicaid" boner sucked all the blood from his head. He can't concentrate on anything other than that the Senate is so close, oh yes!, so close almost there, daddy! to fulfilling his college dreams!!1!!!

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In reality, they have little to worry about. Especially Dipshit Don Jr and All Purpose Jared - they know a guy with the power to pardon.

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Yes but would you believe anything that came out of his mouth after he spoke his name? Because I would be hard-pressed to.

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What's going on with his "teeth"? With all that money you'd figure the Trump clan would have popper dental work. Case in point:


Eric boy come over here! We got these teeth like things and want you to give them a try. Oh, come on it probably won't hurt! We're just gonna shove them up in that gelatinous ridge inside your talking hole. The upside is that with your, ummmm, unusual physiology they just might take!

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My hunch is it's been kickback city with a lot of those guys

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Remember the old joke: How do you get to Carnegie Hall? Practice!

For as much as everyone involved with the Trump administration lies, you'd think they'd eventually get better at it.

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"Evil, corrupt, and incompetent is no way to go through life, son."

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Whoops, that's what I get for not reading all the nested comments first.

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If this was done in front of his classmates, did anybody talk to them to confirm it? I think I'd remember if my classmate's father slapped him hard enough to knock him down for not wearing a suit to a baseball game.

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Like any Trump would care about other human beings that aren't similarly situated, wealth-wise, to them.

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KAC was on the shows defending Jr.


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Don't get into a fight with anyone that buys ink by the barrel.

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The Trumps love the truth, which is why they parse it out so warily, the way a miser does his gold.

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The fact that no one in the GOP House has done so much as raise an eyebrow at this just goes to show how complicit so many of those rat fuckers are.

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