Actually wasn't four whole paragraphs about Bolton's dandruffy mustache though. I was focussed on that disgusting womb-broom.

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He never went to any Whartons. He went to Fordham, then transferred to U.Penn, where he took real estate courses, which are offered through the Wharton "College," a division of U. Penn, in the same way my music major classes were offered at U.C. Berkeley through the "College of Letters and Science." His "MBA from the Wharton School of Business" is the same as my "Law Degree from Harvard Law School" after I walked by the law school building there once. I'd be pretty sure he paid someone to write his papers, or Daddy paid them off to pass him. In fact his obsession with Obama's "transcripts" probably was a complete giveaway that Donald barely passed any of his classes, and never graduated.

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Isn't it always the way? Look at the specimens who scream about "White Supremacy"--they couldn't be further from "supreme."

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Exactly. Objectively, she's not that unattractive. It's just her ugly character, showing in the nasty sneer, the tight jaw, the contemptuous look in her eyes, the cruelty in her face.

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Bill Pullman wasn't too shabby....


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So on this basis, Trump does not have the looks to be President, Pence does not have the looks to be Vice-Pres, Eric and Don Jr do not have the looks to be whoever they are, Bannon does not have the looks to be whoever he is.

I would take a dig at Melania, but that would be unchivalrous.

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https://uploads.disquscdn.c... butt ugly goes clear to the bone

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what about a neatly trimmed goatee and mustache but smooth shaved cheeks? don't want those thighs to get chafed.

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lady MS here: only slightly o/t, Dok, but can't we just take to calling DJT "Buzz" Trump? Am currently at chapter 10 of "It Can't Happen Here". Each prescient sentence unsettles my soul. Never realized a person could laugh, tremble and gag simultaneously. If only Windrip's and Trump's minions had not remained so proudly, willfully ignorant...

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Well, that's a kind of pinnacle of showbiz - or nadir, depending.

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You don't think the Moromon Tabernacle Choir is legitimate? Well, what about Ted Nugent and Kid Rock? Oh, wait...you may have a point.

I hope our lying lamestream media brings up Kid Rock's fondness for banging hookers with Scott Stapp, and Ted Nugent's fondness for young gals.

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Goldman Sachs is finally taking his calls, so he feels like he's arrived. They wouldn't touch him with a ten foot pole prior to him becoming president elect.

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