A nuclear War Between The States? What, we're living in a Harry Turtledove novel now?

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Sorry to burst your bubble, but over half of America is in fact that stupid.

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Clearly not, reality is far more poorly written than even Turtledove's awful books.

For example, in what fictional universe could the rise of Donald Trump, Serious Political Candidate® be seen as anything other than truly lazy and unrealistic apocalypse-fetishist writing?

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They didn't even send them. They're American idiots who have decided, all on their own, that doing something stupid and violent is the best way to express their anger and either figured that trying to be an ISIS hanger-on was worth their while, or ISIS figured that with the idiot dead no one would object to them taking credit, so ISIS ends up "implicated".

The "OMG TERRORIZMS!!!11!!11!" freakouts are both idiotic and exactly what ISIS wants.

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You might want to check the seals on your thesaurus, it appears to be leaking.

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But "Clinton Coverup Network" doesn't even work as an alternative meaning for CNN... Did you have a rage induced stroke and come out the other side stupid?

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50% of the population is below average in intelligence. Let's just hope 51% at least vote for HRC.

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I'd go with 2/3 with the bottom third being outright retards.

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But he's right, there *are* sick and evil people in this country... so why haven't we rounded up Ted Nugent, and the rest of the NRA board, and the KKK, and.....

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And vodka? A liter would do. ...Better make that two liters.

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...If, you know, you are in a dumpster. Or a mall. And, seriously: who ever goes inside either of those?

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He's got so excited, he chose the picture where he forgot to adjust his head piece and got inspired to make vague predictions:

"I think there is … many foreign connections, I think this is one group. OK, this is one group, but you have many, many groups".

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Say where did you wander in from?

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College basketball is a religion down here. I'm surprised we haven't had riots over the games being pulled from the state. (I cannot recall which conferences pulled the games, because I don't follow sportsball of any kind)

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Ice is to your left...

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