yeah, it means a dog of a certain hunting breed and can be used in place of the verb "hound".

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Why am I not surprised?

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Pft. I am normally a patient person but it's true that I have a long fuse with a big bomb at the end of it so I advise folks to pay attention.

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Just kidding. In truth I had seen the long fuse but not the bomb.

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It's Barry's fault we're in this mess in the first place! He can't stop messing with the timeline. Dammit, Barry!

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Not just monitor, but change behavior, and not always in good ways. A few years ago they admitted they were tweaking some user's news feeds to show more negative or more positive stories as part of a study that some psych researchers wanted to conduct. I'm not entirely convinced they aren't still doing it, considering the stories that have come out about how much misinformation they allowed to permeate during the election.

The only thing that keeps me from pushing the delete button is a few who use it for event invites and messaging, but I'm seeing if they can switch to something else.

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Lucky you.

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Why not? Do you disagree that some words/phrases can have more than one meaning. Or that the OED and other repositories might have information that is not in the Urban Dictionary, which is I believe of more recent vintage??

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11/10, would repeat! As an old, it's such a relief to see that this was pulled off by one of the folks on my lawn. Get outta here and make moar flags!!

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you really really really don't want to argue with me about this.

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Well, you are correct in that I don't want to argue with you. You are boring. And there is really no argument. You intimated that the Everly Brothers could not be correct in their usage of a phrase, and I replied that the phrase had other meanings, especially considering they were writing/singing it in the 50s, when I was actually alive and heard my contemporaries use the phase with the meaning the EB ascribed. Think you are overreacting JUST A TAD.

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Riiiiighht. This so reminds me of how Bull Connor, after the Birmingham church bombing, said he wouldn't be surprised if "Martin Luther King and his gang" had done it themselves to make the KKK look bad by blaming those fine Christian lads for it. Bigots are so original. They also have minds that make an old-fashioned country outhouse that hasn't been limed for a month seem like roses of Shalimar.As for David Duke getting close the truth ... even at Warp 8, with the engines coming apart, he has never, I would bet, been within eighty-seven light years of the truth in his slimy life.

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Another bloke who loves the English language and is annoyed by stupid neologisms? Pal!

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Don't blame you. And of course there will be the usual, "I didn't mean that, bah, political correctness again, don't you people get sarcasm?" from the GOP (Grotesque Orange Person). It's a chilling thought that even back in his day, old Shakespeare (who did a slanderous hatchet job on the Maid of Orleans) was fairer to Shylock in "The Merchant of Venice" than anti-Semites are to Jews today. Shylock is bitter and vengeful, okay, but at least Shakespeare makes it clear that Antonio is a bigoted swine and Shylock has legitimate grudges against him, and depicts Shylock as a man with pride and backbone who doesn't kiss butt.When a sixteenth-century Tudor propagandist hack is less anti-Semitic than a modern U.S. president ... maybe the fire next time IS overdue.

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Yes. It is terrifying. The last person I can remember saying something like that was Bull Connor after the Birmingham church bombing. He claimed he wouldn't be surprised if "Martin Luther King and his gang" did it in order to blame white southerners, the KKK in particular. Get this, Trump. You are going to be remembered the way Connor is remembered. And nobody with sense is going to believe you really credit the idea for a second. Liar as always.

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Yeah, and if things get really bad and you defend yourselves with guns, where will the substituting-firearms-for-penises fetishist NRA be? Probably not on your side. Fuck'm. Not that I think you would in a brain-damaged fit. Fuck'm with barbed wire dildos is more what I meant. But impeach Donald Trump first. There must be valid legal grounds by now, mustn't there?

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