He doesn't look well.

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This is the best possible thing he could have said to keep all the crazies on his side and stay in the race. If he had said global warming is real, his campaign would be over.

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Look at it this way....

The Manhattan Poors won't have to spend train fare to go to the shore...

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being a wonkette, one strives to lower the lowest common denominator

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better to meet a bear robbed of her cubs....

Also too:http://s2.quickmeme.com/img...

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how does a casino lose money when they set the machines for the house to mostly win? Is that like failing to "catch [the] clap in a geisha house"?

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FREE THE BOUND PERIODICALS, MAN! (saw that scrawled in my elementary school library mebbe 40 years ago, except for the "MAN" part, but that was during the 70s.)

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Creole then? (or Haitian)

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Palin has "word salad. Trump has more like, 'word coleslaw".

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That and whoring his name out.

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... Trumpelthinskin is peerless! He's also brainless, clueless, witless, feckless, reckless... all of the less's, really. And in this case, less is definitely not more.

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... now, now, T-Bide, don't hold back, tell us how you really feel. < Smiley Winky emoticon goes here >... I've seen supporters of "The Dumbald" say they like him because "he's rich, he's a successful businessman" - do they think that he's going to make them rich by osmosis? Do they think declaring multiple business bankruptcies qualifies as success and/or fiscal acumen? Do they even understand how full of shit this megalomaniacal blowhard actually is? Do they care? (all of the preceding questions are rhetorical, of course).

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... not gold. Cheap, tacky brass... like the balls he claims to have.

"Bold as brass! Gold-coloured at least! Not worth much, but oooh... shiny!"

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... every time I see a picture of whatever-lives-on-his-head trying to escape... Trumpster's hatred of wind energy farms makes sense. He's just afraid the increased air currents will give that cranium-topping thing a chance for lift off. And it would probably jettison him at high altitude - or the earliest opportunity. Whichever comes first.

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sham? . . . wow!

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