And sure, those people may only exist in his imagination, but does that mean their votes don’t count?

I'm quite OK with Trump getting the square root of a negative number of votes.

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If those little twits from that Trump-kissing family band are feminists, I'm a serial killer. Oh wait, I am according to those nitwits in Ohio holding vigils for unfertilized Pill eggs.....

PS - Their Gofundme site to help send rich people to Canada if Trumpette wins is gone....lulz.

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Great minds, etc etc.

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Reminds me of taking the dog for a walk and passing a group of boys talking about a girl who had the "biggest tits in the fourth grade!"

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I figured as much. Either that or you're the mysterious LOLGOP, unmasked at last...

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Great Scott!! My secret is out!

Now I'll have to kill you . . .

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It's entirely possible that Trump did not get the questions ahead of time. It is, in fact, likely that someone on his staff waved a copy of the Globe in his face and said "we have a problem. You're going to have to answer questions about this, guaranteed."

The problem with this scenario is that it involves Drumpf paying attention to someone on his staff instead of just firing them for being so defeatist.

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We'll be sure to send you some of those cakes that we like.

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Or, you know, dildos...

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'No Trump, we told you 'Bales of Teabaggers'.

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Imagine how she'd be Photoshopped today. And she's not even real!

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Which is worse, the picture of him with his daughter or the picture of him with three little girls? Votes only after you've stopped vomiting.

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My friend says when they start calling you a bitch you know you're doing management right.

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Lie and deny. Works just fine for Trump.

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They aren't!???!

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That proves Trump is not racist. "you people" includes everyone except the Donald.

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